My favorites and friends!!
- Parent Soup
- Come on in and chat with me - chances are pretty good that I will be there!
- mADAME mIRC's instruction page
- GREAT SITE - If you are looking for mIRC help - this is the place!
- Deira's HomePage
- This site allows you to learn a little about Deira and Down's Syndrome
- This is Meeper's Home Page
- See what Meeper looks like and find out about her interests
- Whttgr's (from ParentSoup)Home Page
- Whttg has pictures of herself and family here. Very cute stuff!
- Disney's Daily Blast
- Great Place for kids! Changes Daily!!!!
- Detroit Free Press
- This is one of the two main newspapers for my area.
- 1Dad's HomePage
- You will see 1Dad's picture here!
- Lots of fun stuff-Cryptic
- go here to play!!!
Sherry Lee Pyski
Hazel Park, MI 48030
United States
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My Hobbies Are:
I do have some hobbies outside of chatting in Parent Soup!
I love doing ceramics. (This has been next to impossible since
I have two kids that do not comprehend that the phrase, "Don't Touch"
does apply to them!)
I really enjoy reading. Murder/Legal & Medical mysteries are my favorites.
I only watch (on an average) one hour of "Adult" t.v. per week. (e.r. of course!!)
More than anything else, I love spending time with my Children and Husband.
They are such special and wonderful people! I feel so blessed!
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