The Sailor of Music, Sailor Andromeda

Sailor Andromeda
Real name: Viola Orpheus
Japanese name: Ongaku Tanrei (elegant music) 
Nicknames: none really
Birthday: May 24th 
Zodiac Sign: Gemini 
Age: 16
Height: 5'2" 
Favorite colors: blue, pink 
Hobbies: reading, playing various instruments 
Favorite Subject: classical literature 
Strengths: intelligence 
Weaknesses: pessimism, being critical 
Likes: chess 
Dislikes: sports 
Favorite Food: tacos 
Favorite Gemstone: quartz 
Family: two parents, both of them alive and well, and a brother named Angelo ^-^
From: Stratford-upon-Avon, England
What's in her bedroom: prints of famous paintings (like Water Lilies and Mona Lisa), some prints of M.C. Escher drawings, and pictures of herself playing in concerts
Dream: to be a musician and play in an orchestra

 Position: Outer senshi, Astral senshi, guardian of the royal family of Labyrinth
Element: Music
Fighting Style: defensive, mostly, although her attacks are offensive...*shrug*
Secret Weapons: the Galaxy Flute, although she can only use that in her powered up form
Guardian: none
Symbol: the symbol for pi

Average height/weight, actually a little on the short side.  Orange hair, which is styled sort of like Michiru's, and it's got pinkish highlights (the same color as the bows on her sailor suit).  She  has no bangs, and her eyes are dark, royal blue color (same color as the skirt and collar of her sailor uniform).

Viola is very quiet and smart.  She doesn't say much, so when she does voice her opinion on something, everyone knows that it must be the truth or she wouldn't have taken the time to say it.  She is very very intelligent and gets straight A's without having to study very much. She goes to St. Terese's like the rest of them. She's actually from Stratford-upon-Avon, England, and her parents are obviously very wealthy to be able to afford a house there.
She is quite talented in the things she does (such as music, art, and writing) and she picks up quickly on new things.  Her talent makes some people resent her and makes them jealous of her.  She, however, doesn't realize what talent she has and is too critical of herself because of this.  Even when she does wonderfully at something, she thinks that she did badly and could have done better.
As Sailor Andromeda, she keeps her regular personality.  She isn't very agressive and usually fades off into the background, only using her attacks when necessary.

Street clothes
Her school uniform is the same as the others: red sweater with the school crest (the rose and the cross), and green plaid skirt with a green plaid necktie. She kind of likes to dress up, like wearing skirts and jewelry, but hates high-heels.  She also wears a lot of pastels, like blues and pinks.  She usually wears her hair down, except when she has a concert at school or something, when she'll put it up.  Also, she probably wouldn't be caught dead in jeans.  She dresses kind of the opposite of Zephyr.  An outfit she wears a lot is this long blue skirt, with blue flats and a light pink silk blouse which is embroidered with blue flowers.

Andromeda Astral Star Power
Michelle's first transformation phrase.  She says this while raising her transformation wand.  Glowing musical notes fly toward her.  The notes hit her and she is magically in her sailor suit. She then poses in front of a symbol of a musical note.

Andromeda Crystal Star Power
Her second transformation.  Basically the same as her first, only when she poses, she poses in front of her symbol at the end.

Andromeda Star Symphony
Andromeda says this and glowing blue musical notes fly at her enemy.  When the notes hit, the force of them is enough to knock the enemy over.

Galactical Melody
Andromeda raises one arm, which glows bright blue with electrical energy.  Once she has collected enough energy, she throws it upwards.  It seems to bounce off the sky, then it slams into her enemy.

Andromeda Swan Song
The attack that Sailor Andromeda gets after her power-up.  She says the phrase, then plays her Galaxy Flute.  From the little jewels on the flute come pink and blue beams of light, which shoot at her enemy like lasers and pretty much vaporize whatever gets in their way.

Transformation wand
Her first transformation item.  It's like the inner senshis' second henshin pens, with a gold star on top.  Only hers is blue, with a pink stripe on the bottom of the pen, and on one side of the star is a blue jewel, on the other side is a pink one.

Transformation ring
Her second transformation item (used with her Crystal Star Power transformation).  It's a gold ring, with a blue star-shaped stone set in it.

Galaxy Flute
This is what Andromeda uses for her Andromeda Swan Song attack.  It's a little silver flute, but it's smaller than a normal flute, kind of like a piccolo.  In the keys of the flute (what she presses to make different notes), there are little pink and blue gemstones embedded.  It's kind of gaudy-looking, with a bunch of jewels, but it's really nifty.

What she thinks of the others
Zephyr: Viola likes her, but think she's unladylike and even rude sometimes.
Vega: Thinks she's funny, but doesn't like it when Lilia makes fun of her
Io: She likes Mariah too, but thinks she's a total airhead.
Inferno: Thinks that Anala should act more responsible, her being older and all that.
Orion: Viola thinks he's okay, for a guy, since most guys she's known have been jerks.
Nova: Doesn't completely trust her.
Arcturus: Thinks she's a cute kid and hopes that when she grows up she'll be smarter than her sister.
Spica: She thinks that Aisling is one of the only Astros who's smarter than her.
