the Sailor of Clouds, Sailor Arcturus
Real name: Misty Storms
Previous name: Chrysta Riker 
Japanese name: Arashino Kumo (clouds of the storm)
Nicknames: Mariah calls her "that annoying brat"
Birthday: April 1st 
Age: 8 
Zodiac Sign: Aries 
Height: 4'2" (short, even for her age) 
Favorite colors: pink, purple 
Hobbies: karate 
Favorite Subject: none really 
Strengths: karate skills, discipline
Weaknesses: annoying, immature 
Likes: playing with Barbies 
Dislikes: vegetables 
Favorite Food: cake 
Favorite Gemstone: anything pink 
Family: both parents alive, and one sister, Mariah/Sailor Io 
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
What's in her bedroom: it's painted pink, and there's Barbie stuff EVERYWHERE.  It looks like she bought the whole doll aisle at Toys-R-Us, which she probably did.
Dream: to get her black belt sometime soon

 Position: Outer Senshi, guardian to the Labyrinth Royal Family
Element: clouds, ice, coldness, etc.
Fighting Style: offensive sometimes, but usually just defensive
Secret Weapons: karate skills
Guardian: none (but she likes Cypress)
Symbol: four interlocking circles (kind of looks like a color wheel)

Very cute, but also is short, even for her age.  She has blonde hair and blue eyes.  Her hair would be about shoulder length if she let it down, but she almost always puts it into two pigtails.  The pigtails are each probably three inches long, and shaped like tilde's (these things: ~) and they kinda flip up at the ends.

Misty may look like another cute little ChibiUsa-type character, but looks aren't everything.  She's actually a brown-belt karate student!  She's extremely good at karate for someone her age.  She's not the agressive type, but she's a very good fighter, and she's very determined to do things her way (although her age prevents her from doing so).  But she's a normal girl too.  She's playful and annoying sometimes, and she likes playing with Barbies. The Storms family moved to Ireland from Canada, because their mother got transferred.  She's like normal little girls except for one thing: she's a mute.  She can't speak due to the fact that she had to have her tonsils removed when she was 2 and there was an accident during the operation and her vocal cords had to be removed.  She goes to a special school for the deaf and blind and uses sign language.  With the other senshi, she has Mariah interpret what she says.
As Sailor Arcturus, she rarely attacks.  Sometimes she tries to beat up the enemies, but ends up getting beaten up herself.

Street clothes
You know, the kinds of clothes that little kids wear.  Short overalls, shirts with cute flowery prints, and t-shirts with cartoon characters or animals on them.  Her favorite colors are pink and purple, and she doesn't really have a school uniform because she goes to a regular school.  She also always wears little pink hairbows in her pig-tails.  Her favorite outfit is a pair of white overalls with flowers all over them, and a pink t-shirt.  She also likes wearing her rainbow t-shirt with a pair of denim shorts that has a picture of some cartoon character on them (I probably shouldn't mention any or else I might get sued). She doesn't wear a school uniform, because she's in a primary school in 3rd class (basically 3rd grade).

Arcturus Astral Star Power
Sailor Arcturus's transformation phrase.  She says the phrase in sign language, then holds up her transformation pen.  She is then encased in a cloud through which you can see her silhouette, but nothing else.  The cloud drifts away and Sailor Arcturus is seen in her sailor suit.  She poses in front of a symbol of a cloud.

 Arcturus Crystal Star Power
Same as her first one, only powered-up.  And at the end she poses in front of her sailor symbol.

Arcturus Cloud Capture
Arcturus signs this and clouds cover the whole area, causing general disorientation.  When the clouds lift, the enemies are trapped by a chain made of ice.

Cloud Rain Freeze
A little like Arcturus Cloud Capture, only the clouds freeze.

Rain Conceal
Sailor Arcturus signs this and clouds surround the enemy, then the clouds turn to water so that the enemy is surrounded in water (this works better if her sister, Io, is there so that Io can use an electricity attack and shock the enemy).  Oh yeah, and this is only for her power-up form.

Transformation pen
Her first transformation item.  It's like the inner senshi's second henshin pens, only hers is pink with a purple stripe around the base.  The gold star on top has a pink jewel set into one side, and a purple jewel set into the other side.

Transformation ring
Her second transformation item, the one that she uses with "Arcturus Crystal Star Power" transformation.  It's gold, with a pink star-shaped stone in it.

What she thinks of the others
Zephyr: thinks that Dani's a good leader and really respects her.
Vega: she thinks that Lilia is cool, and funny too.
Io: Mariah is her older sister, but she gets on Misty's nerves sometimes.  But of course, since they're sisters they love each other anyway (aww...)
Inferno: thinks that Anala's fun to be around, though Anala can't say the same for her...
Orion: she thinks Hunter looks like her dad (how cute...*g*)
Nova: Misty really likes her, and seems to have selective memory, blocking out the memory of evil Nova.
Spica: Misty admires her, and thinks she's really cool and smart.
