Sailor Astros Earth
Part 1: She who represents the planet
© 1998-1999 Willow McCall

 "So you’re going to move here?" Daniella asked Marie excitedly.  Ever since the final battle with Darkdeath, the two sisters had kept in touch, calling each other on the phone occasionally and sending email back and forth.  It had been three months since that last battle, and no other threats had come up.
 "That’s right!" Marie said.  "I’m going to move to Catalina, so I can get to know you and the other Astros better."
 "But won’t your parents mind?" Dani replied.  "I mean, they aren’t going to believe you when you say, ‘Hey, Mom, let’s move to America because my sister from a past life got reincarnated there and I want to meet her in person again!’"
 "I’m an orphan, remember?" Marie said sounding a little sad.
 "Oh, that’s right," Dani said.  "Sorry."  She paused, thinking about something for a minute, then said, "But there aren’t any orphanages here.  What’re you going to do and where will you live?"
 "Maybe you’re forgetting something, Dani," Marie said, "but I turned 18 last month.  I’m an adult, and I can take care of myself now.  Actually, I have been able to for a while, but now it’s actually legal for me to live by myself."
 "Cool," Dani replied.  "So when are you moving?"
 "Next week," Marie said.
 "Great!" Dani exclaimed.  "See you then!"


 "Daniella!" Mrs. Wood knocked on her daughter’s bedroom door.  "Daniella!"
 Dani opened the door.  "What?"
 "One of your friends is here to see you," her mother said.  "Someone by the name of Marie, at least I think that’s what she said.  French accent.  And she looks about college-aged…know who I’m talking about?"
 "Marie?" Dani repeated.  That was all she needed to hear.  She dashed down the hall, shouting a thank you to her mom.  She almost slipped on the doormat, but she stood up again and flung open the door.  And, as her mother had said, it was indeed Marie Phillipe, Sailor Nebula.
 "MARIE!" Dani shrieked, grabbing her sister’s hands and hopping up and down.  "Finally!"
 "Yeah, I’m here!" Marie answered, laughing.
 Once Dani had partially calmed down, she said, "So…where’s your apartment?"
 "It’s right over there," Marie pointed across the street, to the street corner near Dani’s house.  "In that apartment complex."
 "That’s where Ryan lives!" Dani cried.  "Sailor Orion, remember him?"
 "Oh, yeah," Marie said.
 "He’s an orphan too," Dani said.  "Lives by himself, even though he’s only sixteen."
 "I see," Marie nodded.  "So…want to go out and do something, like go to a movie?"
 "Sure!" Dani agreed.

 The next day, Marie was walking around the campus of the local college where she’d be going to school.  She wandered around, looking for the foreign languages building.  Not watching where she was going with her nose stuck in the campus directory, she bumped into someone else.
 "Oh, I’m so sorry!" Marie instantly apologized.  She looked up at the person who she had bumped into, a girl about her age with long wavy black hair and hazel eyes.  "Are you all right?"
 "I’m fine," the girl replied.  Marie noticed that this girl had a strange accent, she guessed it was Japanese.
 Marie helped the girl pick up the books she had dropped.  "Guess I’d better introduce myself.  I’m Marie Phillipe.  By the way, do you know where the foreign languages building is?"
 "No, I don’t," the girl answered.  "That was where I am going too, but I can’t find it.  You are new here?"
 "Yes," Marie replied.  "By the way, I didn’t quite catch your name…"
 "I’m Chi…um, what I mean is, my name is Shisou Chino," this girl, who Marie now knew was named Shisou, said.  "So you do not know where the foreign languages building is located?"
 "So she is Japanese," Marie thought.  Aloud she said, "No, I’m afraid I don’t know this campus any better than you do.  Maybe since we’re both new here, we could look for it together?  It’d be easier that way."
 "I…would like that," Shisou said slowly.  She smiled, and she and Marie went off in search of the foreign languages building.

 "So you’re from Japan?" Dani asked Shisou.  After school that day, Marie had invited Shisou over to her apartment to meet Dani.  As it seemed, Marie and Shisou had a few of the same classes together, and had become friends quickly.
 "Yes," Shisou answered.  "I came here to study medicine…I would like to be a doctor, a veterinarian probably, because I love animals."
 "That’s cool," Dani said.  "By the way, I thought I’d mention that you speak very good English for it being your second language."
 Shisou blushed.  "Thank you very much," she said.  "I’ve been studying it since I was very young, so that’s why."
 Marie and Dani talked to Shisou a while longer before Shisou had to leave.  Once she had left, Pandora flew into the room.
 "Hello, Pandora," Marie said.  "Dani, you remember Pandora, my guardian, don’t you?"
 "Of course I do," Dani said.
 "Marie," Pandora said, "I thought something about that Shisou Chino girl was strange."
 Marie rolled her eyes.  "Every new person I bring home, Pandora thinks they’re some Darkdeath warrior in disguise or something," she explained.
 "No, really!" Pandora argued.  "Shisou might be a Sailor Soldier.  I for one think she’s Sailor Earth."
 "Who?" Marie asked.  "Sailor Earth?  Does she even exist?"
 "She does, I remember Cypress telling us about her!" Dani exclaimed.
 "But why do you think Shisou is Earth?" Marie asked.
 "Well, for one thing she looked exactly like Sailor Earth did in the Age of Sapphire," Pandora pointed out.  "And another thing, do you even know what her name means in Japanese?"
 "Shisou Chino?" Dani asked.  "You mean that means something in Japanese?"
 "Yes, it means ‘thoughts of the earth,’" Pandora explained.  "Which is why Shisou is probably—"  Pandora was about to go on, but was cut off by a screaming and yelling coming from outside.
 "What the—" Marie jumped up, grabbing her transformation wand.
 "Someone’s in trouble," Dani said.  "Don’t worry, this kind of thing happens to us Astros a lot."  She pulled out her own transformation wand.  "Zephyr Astral Star Power!"
 "Nebula Astral Star Power!" Marie added, transforming also.
 "Okay, let’s go check it out!" Sailor Zephyr yelled, running out the door of Marie’s apartment, with Sailor Nebula and Pandora following her.  They ran into the courtyard of the apartment complex, where they saw a woman attacking Shisou.
"Hey!" Zephyr yelled at the woman.  The woman stopped and turned to face the Astros.
"Oh, more little sailor girls…" the woman said.
"You’d just better stop that, or I’m gonna do something real bad," Zephyr said.
"I’m terrified," the woman said sarcastically.  "I am Antimonia of the Periodics, and you don’t scare me in the slightest."
"We’ll see," Nebula said.  "Star Wind!"  Nebula’s attack flew by Antimonia, who didn’t even get hurt from the attack.
"That your best shot?" Antimonia mocked.  She began laughing hysterically.
Shisou, who had been watching the whole thing, stood up.  She looked at Zephyr and Nebula, confused.  "Dani?  Marie?  But what are they doing in sailor suits?"
"Shisou!" Pandora, who was flying overhead, yelled down to Shisou.  "Shisou, take this!"  Pandora dropped a green and brown wand, like the Astros’ transformation wands, into Shisou’s hands.  "Your transformation wand.  Say ‘Earth Planet Power’ and you’ll transform!"
"I’ll distract Antifreeze here," Zephyr said.  "Mind Dazzle!"
"Earth Planet Power!" Shisou yelled.  Green leaves swirled around her and attached to her, forming a sailor suit similar to the others’, only it was green and brown.  When she was completely transformed, Shisou—Sailor Earth—posed.
"How did she get here?" Antimonia was still dazed from the hallucinating attack that Zephyr had used, so she didn’t see Shisou transform.  "And where’s that girl that whose heart crystal I was stealing?  Oh, never mind.  I’ve still got the Astros to deal with."  She held both hands out in front of her and energy blasted out from her hands.
"Earth Wall!" Sailor Earth said.  A solid wall of earth rose in front of the three Astros, protecting them from further attacks.
"Good one, Shi—er, Sailor Earth," Nebula said.
"Stupid Astros," Antimonia muttered.  She jumped on top of the wall Sailor Earth had created.  But just as she landed on the wall of earth, the wall disappeared and she fell.  "I’ll get you yet!" Antimonia yelled as she faded from view.  "One of you is the Destroyer, and I will find you!"  As she said that, Antimonia disappeared.

 "Good try, Antimonia," a man’s voice greeted Antimonia as she teleported back to the Periodics’ lair.
 "Yeah, Anti, you really got those Astros," another sarcastic male voice added.
 "Xenos?  Tantalus?" Antimonia looked around the dark room where she and the other Periodics lived.  "Is that you?"
 Two men materialized above Antimonia.  They floated around a while before landing next to her.  "So, a new Sailor appeared, eh?" one of them asked.  "Interesting."
 "This new Sailor, Sailor Earth, is very powerful," Antimonia explained.
 "That’s just a lame excuse and you know it," the other man said.
 "Shut up, Xenos!" Antimonia snapped at him.  "Okay, so you try to defeat Sailor Earth and see what you come up with."
 "Fine," Xenos said.  "Maybe I will try next time.  At least I’d do better than you did."
 Antimonia glared at him and clenched her fists, then lunged at Xenos.
 "Hey, take it easy over there!" another female voice said.  Antimonia immediately stopped beating up on Xenos and turned around.  A woman in a long red dress appeared and floated down to them, landing beside them.  "You guys can’t kill each other before we find the Destroyer, you know."
 "Sorry, Cleopatra 90," Antimonia mumbled.
 "Good," Cleopatra 90 said.  "Xenos, you will go to Earth next.  You know the plan, don’t you?"
 "Take the human’s heart crystal and, if it is the Dead Crystal, turn the person into the Destroyer.  Otherwise, turn the person into a wraith and bring them back here," Xenos recited the plan that Cleopatra 90 had told the Periodics earlier.
 "Suck up," Tantalus muttered.  Cleopatra 90 glared at him.
 "Very good, Xenos," Cleopatra 90 said.  "I do not expect you to come back empty-handed."
 "And indeed I won’t," Xenos said.

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