the Sailor of Volcanoes, Sailor Inferno

Real Name: Anala Kazan
Previous name: Daphne Colinas 
Japanese name: Kazan Ako (volcano child) 
Nicknames: "Towering Inferno" to Hunter. 
Birthday: December 3rd 
Age: 17
Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius 
Height: 5'0" 
Favorite colors: orange, red 
Hobbies: dancing, basketball 
Favorite Subject: none 
Strengths: extroverted, aggressive
Weaknesses: rebellious, irresponsible
Likes: parties 
Dislikes: school 
Favorite Food: salads 
Favorite Gemstone: ruby 
Family: both parents (still alive) and a brother 
From: Sydney, Australia
What's in her bedroom: lots of clothes, basketball equipment, trophies, and pictures from her dance recitals and fashion shows.  One section of her wall is also plastered with advertisements from magazines and newspapers that she's been in.
Dream: to be a model

Position: Outer Senshi, guardian of the Royal Family of Labyrinth
Element: volcanoes and fire
Fighting Style: offensive
Secret Weapons: Lava Gem
Guardian: none

She's very short for her age, and looks younger than she really is.  Her hair is black and straight and would be somewhere in between shoulder and waist length if she wore it down.  But she doesn't, she usually just wears it in two pigtails (which is another reason why she looks younger than she is).  Her eyes are also black.

Anala is a real party animal sometimes.  She is very wild and rebellious.  She loves dancing, especially modern dance and jazz, and she likes performing in local dance performances.  She also likes to play basketball, despite being very short for her age.  Hunter sometimes jokingly calls her "the Towering Inferno." She's from Australia, and she's just over for a year on an exchange thingie, staying with an Irish family.
Anala may have a fiery personality, but she can also be very loyal and kind.  She will stick with a friend until the end (I didn't mean to make that rhyme, honestly).  As a Sailor Astro, her attack deal with volcanoes and her power comes from the Lava Gem.  As Sailor Inferno she is very agressive and holds the same personality as she does in her normal form.

Street clothes
She wears the same school uniform as everyone else, but she likes to "accessorize."  She wears weird jewelry and hair accessories with her school uniform, like personal expression or something.  She also likes bright colors and things like that; she's sorta wild.  Her main outfit is this tie-dyed t-shirt that's in warm colors (red, orange, yellow, and any variations thereof), which she wears with reddish orange bike shorts and a pair of dangling earrings that are basically a big red plastic jewel that just hangs down.

Sailor Suit
The standard suit that most of the Astros wear.  Hers has an orange collar, skirt, brooch, and boots, and the trim of her gloves is orange.  Her bows and the trim of her boots are red.  Her tiara and choker are both gold with red jewels.

Inferno Astral Star Power
Sailor Inferno's transformation phrase.  She says this while raising her transformation wand.  Streams of lava shoot out of her brooch and wrap around her, forming her sailor suit, gloves, and boots.  When the transformation is finished, she poses in front of a symbol of a volcano.

Inferno Crystal Star Power
Her second transformation.  The same as her first one, except at the end she poses in front of her sailor symbol.

Inferno Lava River
Inferno says this and holds up her Lava Gem, sort of levitating it.  She holds it out toward her target, and streams of lava shoot out from the gem.

Volcano Chasm
Sailor Inferno says this and a chasm filled with lava and molten rock opens beneath her enemy.

Fire Geyser
Inferno (in her powered-up form) says this and holds her Lave Gem above her head.  She then throws it at the ground, but it doesn't break.  It bounces up to her and a stream of fire shoots out at her target from where it had landed.

Transformation pen
Anala's first transformation item.  It's like the Inner Senshi's second henshin pens, except that hers is orange with a gold stripe around the base.  On one side of the gold star on top, there is an orange jewel and on the other side of the star is a red jewel.

Transformation ring
Her second transformation item that she uses with her "Crystal Star Power" transformation phrase.  It's a gold ring with a red star-shaped jewel in it.

Lava Gem
A red-orange gem that seems to be made of fire itself.  It gives Inferno her powers over volcanoes.

What she thinks of the others
Zephyr: Anala likes her, and likes to play basketball with her (always beats her too)
Vega: thinks her jokes and sarcastic comments are hilarious.
Io: she and Mariah have a lot in common and are good friends.
Andromeda: thinks she's smart, but that she should not be so quiet all the time.
Orion: he was her best friend in her old school, but they're growing apart.
Nova: doesn't trust her, thinks she's suspicious, but they get along okay.
Arcturus: is annoyed by her, but she can deal with Misty just the same.
Spica: dislikes her a little, because Anala thinks it's her fault that she and Hunter are growing apart.
