The Sailor of Storms, Sailor Io

Real name: Mariah Storms
Previous name: Sara Riker 
Nicknames: none, but occasionally called "airhead" by many people
Japanese Name: Arashino Kaze (wind of the storm) 
Birthday: January 20th 
Age: 15 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Height: 5'4" 
Favorite colors: yellow, purple 
Hobbies: fashion 
Favorite Subject: art 
Strengths: friendly
Weaknesses: no common sense whatsoever, not motivated
Likes: teen magazines 
Dislikes: homework and studying 
Favorite Food: anything Mexican 
Favorite Gemstone: topaz 
Family: both parents alive, and one sister, Misty 
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
What's in her bedroom: clippings from fashion magazines, and pictures of male actors and singers and other guys she thinks are cute.
Dream: to be a fashion designer or editor of a magazine
Position: Outer Senshi, guardian of the Labyrinth royal family
Element: storms, wind, lightning, etc.
Fighting Style: defensive
Secret Weapons: none
Guardian: none
Symbol: the ohm symbol (looks like a horseshoe with the tips pointing down, sort of)

Average height.  Her hair is shoulder length and it's dark purple.  She always has it in a tilde-shaped ponytail on the side of her head, the same as her sister's pigtails except that she only has one.  She also has purple eyes.

Mariah isn't off the scale on intelligence, just average.  But she has a total lack of common sense which causes her to do stupid things sometimes.  She could make a B average in school, but she just isn't that motivated to work.  She just couldn't be bothered.  She'd rather play sports, dance, listen to music, or just talk with her friends.  She's also somewhat of a trouble maker, thus causing her to be grounded a lot (conveniently, she's grounded a lot of the time when the Sailors have an important battle).  But aside from that, she is a very kind person.  She's really friendly and she makes friends easily.  She's also sensitive, or maybe she just cries a lot. She and Misty are from Canada, and they moved over with their family.
As a Sailor Astro, Io uses her defensive more than her offensive attack.  She isn't that agressive because she's afraid that if she attacks that she'll get attacked back.

Street clothes
Mariah is a slave to fashion, so that's the kind of thing she wears: whatever's in style.  Her regular school uniform looks like everyone else's.  Her hair is always in that ponytail and she never lets it down.  She doesn't wear too much jewelry or anything, again, just what's in style at the moment, that's what she wears.  Her favorite outfit changes with the season, but she seems to like one: it's a yellow blouse with a black sweater-vest over it, and a black pleated skirt (and she wears this even though Hunter told her she looks like a bumblebee in it... ^_^)

Sailor Suit
 Yellow collar, skirt, brooch, and boots, and the trim on her gloves is yellow too.  Her bows and the trim on her boots are purple, as well as her choker, and her tiara is gold with a purple stone.  And yes, she still has glasses on even when she's a sailor.

Io Astral Star Power
Sailor Io's transformation phrase.  She says this and raises her transformation wand.  She is then enveloped in a dark stormcloud.  Several bolts of lightning strike the cloud and the cloud dissolves away, revealing Sailor Io in her sailor suit.  Io poses in front of a symbol of a stormcloud and lightning.  And yes, she does still have her glasses after transforming.

Io Crystal Star Power
Mariah's second transformation phrase. Exactly like her first one, except at the end she poses in front of her sailor symbol.

Io Thunderbolt Shock
Io says this and begins to glow a bright yellow, almost white, color.  She extends her arms and the glow intensifies in her hands.  A lightning bolt shoots out of her hands at her enemy.

Cyclone Trap
She says this and begins to spin around rapidly.  A swirling wind wraps around her enemy, leaving them unable to move or send attacks.  Or she could enclose herself in a cyclone as a defense from her enemies' attacks.

Electric Punch
Her powered-up attack, which she can't really use unless she can get close enough to her victim.  She first holds one hand up and says "Electric" while lightning strikes her hand and transfers into her.  Then she runs up and punches her enemy yelling "Punch!"  The electricity transfers into them and gives them a massive electrical shock.

Transformation pen
Her first transformation item.  It's like the Inner Senshi's second henshin pens, with the gold star, only hers is yellow with a purple stripe.  On one side of the star on top is a yellow jewel, on the other side of the star is a purple jewel.

Transformation ring
Her second transformation item.  It's a gold ring with a purple star-shaped jewel in it.  She uses it with her power-up transformation, Io Crystal Star Power.

What she thinks of the others
Zephyr: she really likes Dani, who's one of her best friends.
Vega: also one of her best friends, even though she doesn't get some of Lilia's jokes.
Andromeda: Mariah's reliable source for copying homework, but usually, Viola doesn't let her.  Mariah likes her anyway.
Inferno: at first she thought Anala was weird, but she got used to her and now is good friends with her.
Orion: she thinks he's cute, but that he's kind of weird too.
Nova: she trusts her, unlike some of the others, but doesn't like how cold Ciara seems sometimes.
Arcturus: she's Mariah's little sister, and Mariah thinks she's really annoying.
Spica: thinks she's really smart, but mean sometimes.
