Astral Senshi opening theme: "Human Beings" by Seal

Note: What this is, is basically if the Astral Senshi were a TV series, what the opening scene would look like.  You kind of have to visualize, and it works better if you're listening along with the song while you're reading so you can see what's going on at what point in the song.  I might have images to go with this later, but for now, it's just text and you need to use "imagination."  Oh yeah, and this goes along with the version of "Human Beings" that's on the CD, not the version that you'd hear on the radio (I mentioned that because on the album the song is longer than it is on the radio).  If this were a real opening sequence they'd probably have to shorten it quite a bit, but I don't need to worry about that since it's not.  By the way, thought I'd mention that "Human Beings" is copyright by Seal, and I (Willow) do not own it or anything like that.  Just had to say that to get the man-eating lawyers away. :P

[first chime thing]
The Sailor Astros logo appears across the screen, then fades out.

[second chime thing]
All the Astros' symbols appear on the screen and glow their colors, then fade out to white.

[third chime and then the guitar stuff]
The back of Zephyr's head is shown, then she turns around so you can see her face.  The rest of the Astros are shown like this as well (for the ones who haven't been introduced yet, when they turn around their faces are shadowed so as not to be a spoiler).

[It is only love I feel, that will give us peace of heart]
Hunter and Aisling are shown walking on a path around a park, then white lightning flashes across the screen and they are transformed into their senshi forms.

[In my hour of desperate need I feel closer to the One]
Misty is sitting on the floor watching TV and Mariah comes in.  Mariah grabs her hand, then purple lightning flashes across.  Both are transformed into Io and Arcturus, and Io pulls Arcturus out of the room.

[Oh but why...]
Dani in profile, standing on a cliff and looking over the edge, singing the words.

[Please, human being, if you plead they will say it was destined]
Parts of the scene where they heal Nova are shown (not the entire scene though as it might be a spoiler).

[They'll be punchin' tickets for the minute if you fall out of line]
Lilia is shown walking along the street, then she stops to pick a flower.  Lightning flashes across and Sailor Vega is shown holding the flower that she picked.

Princess Zephyr standing in front of the Royal Palace of Labyrinth, singing along to the song.

Queen Pasiphae and King Styx appear behind the princess, all of them are singing the words to the song

[more guitar stuff]
The senshi using their teleportation power (read Episode 19 to get an idea of  what it looks like)

[Tell me is it death you feel that will bring you peace of life.]
Anala is standing in front of a volcano, then she turns into a river of lava, then the lava takes the shape of a human and turns into Sailor Inferno (think like "The Secret World of Alex Mack," if you've ever seen that, when Alex turns herself into a liquid).

[Who wants, tell me you're one of us, tell me you're one, tell me you're one of us, tell me you're one]
Various shots of the senshi dying flash across the screen, from the last episodes and from the prologue.

[When you lose your self esteem that's when love dies...]
The scene from the castle on Darkdeath where the walls are closing on the sailors, and when Soldier Orion blocks the walls from closing.

The same scene, the part where the senshi rush out of the hall and the walls close on Orion.

[Please, human being, if you plead they will say that it's destined]
A shot of Viola floating through space, playing a violin.  On "destined," blue lightning flashes across and she turns into Andromeda, still playing the violin.

[They'll be punchin' tickets for the minute if you fall out of line]
With every beat of the music, you see one of the senshi's hands raising their transformation pen, then a split screen of Aisling, Hunter, and Ciara shouting "Transform!" like they used to after they said their transformation phrase.

[We're mere human beings we die]
Bits and pieces of various transformation scenes are shown.

[So...So...desperate...desperate... yeah...]
Zephyr in her princess form with the Sapphire Star, about to attack the Death Duchesses (the scene from the prologue episode).  While she's attacking, she glows with its energy and her hair and dress sort of puff out, like there's a wind blowing on her, and she starts to float above the ground.

[Well I feel...When you've reached number one, you look like you're puffing but...]
This shot starts out with just darkness, then the shot zooms out to show Zephyr's eye, then the rest of Zephyr's face, looking determined as she marches in time to the music.  Then the shot zooms all the way out to show Zephyr leading the rest of the Astral Senshi, marching across to the Death Ladies' lair.

[Really only blocking the sun...Blocking the sun...]
Slow motion shot of the Astral Senshi falling off of the drawbridge on Darkdeath.

[Blocking the sun...]
Another slow motion of Orion pushing Spica out of the way of an incoming attack.

[Blocking the sun...]
One of the Death Duchesses throws her crystal ball against a wall and it shatters.

[Blocking the sun...]
The pieces of the crystal ball join together again, in the form of a star.  The background turns into what looks like outer space, and the star has turned into a shooting star.

[We're mere human beings we die...]
The "camera" zooms in on one tip of the shooting star, and we see all of the Astral Senshi, riding on the star as it shoots through space.

[It's destined.]
Face shot of evil Nova singing along, her face looking sad.

[They'll be punchin' tickets for the minute you fall out of life]
Oscurio, Cuchillo, Soldara, and the Death Duchesses, falling into oblivion (see how that fits with the lyrics: "falling out of life"?)

[We're mere human beings we die...We're mere human beings we die]
Dani is shown on the beach, looking out at the ocean.  The camera pans out across the ocean, then travels across the ocean.

[Desperate...It's destined]
After the camera travels across the ocean, there is land.  Zoom in on the land, and we see the other senshi on the other side of the ocean.

[We're mere human beings we die...]
The shot zooms all the way in on Ciara's face, then to Ciara's eye, and then to the center of Ciara's eye, then just black.

[desperate, it's destined, destined]
Ten lights appear on the screen.  Each of them is the color of one of the Astral Senshi.

[the cool guitar stuff at the end]
The lights slowly get bigger and when they get big enough to see, we see that they are the senshi, each giving off an aura of their color.  The auras disappear, and they pose as the music fades out.