The Sailor of Speed, Soldier Orion

Real name: Hunter Rostislav
Previous Name: Ryan McAlistair 
Japanese Name: Hayasano Kashoku (speed of light) 
Nicknames: none really
Birthday: November 16th 
Age: 17
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Height: 6'0" 
Favorite color: red 
Hobbies: being on debate team, any sports 
Favorite Subject: World History 
Strengths: loyalty to his friends
Weaknesses: Spica...just kidding.  Um...being argumentative.
Likes: football 
Dislikes: when Dani "wins" an argument with him 
Favorite Food: pasta 
Favorite Gemstone: "Gemstone?  Isn't that a girl thing?" 
Family: both parents died when he was younger 
From: Dublin
What's in his bedroom: posters of basketball players that he idolizes, a basketball that he got signed by his favorite player, a few signed posters in frames, and some photographs of his basketball team
Dream: to be a lawyer

Position: Outer Senshi (kinda a senshi, kinda not), guardian of the Royal Family of Labyrinth
Element: speed, light, electricity, etc.
Fighting Style: offensive
Secret Weapons: physical strength
Guardian: none

Sort of tall, even for a guy.  He has really short, dark brown hair, that's cut kind of spiky.  Actually it looks kind of like Mamoru's, and so do his eyes, which are also dark brown.

Hunter is very argumentative and agressive.  He is also defiant of Sailor Zephyr and when she gives orders he never fails to question them.  He and Dani argue a lot, but usually he starts it.  It's not that he doesn't like Dani, he just wants to defy authority (which she is, being the leader of Sailor Astros).  He teases the other girls a lot, especially Mariah and Anala.
Despite being so defiant, Hunter is very loyal to his friends and to the other Astros.  He claims that he would give his life to spare the rest of the Sailors (key word: claims).  He may act like he doesn't like Dani, but when he defies her he's just trying to get an edge over her. His mother was Irish and his father was Russian, but both were in a train that got derailed when he was only 18 months old and they died. He was sent to a foster family, but he ran away from home when he was 14 and lived off his parents' inheritance and went to school with it. He goes to St. Andrew's, and so did Anala at one point, but Anala ended up switching to St. Therese's.
As Soldier Orion, his attacks revolve around speed, electricity, and arrows.  He isn't a Tuxedo Mask-like character, though (that would be Spica), although he appears to be.  And he's not a male sailor either. See, in the Silver Millennium the king and queen of the Orion constellation had no daughters, so they had to send their oldest son to defend Labyrinth and he became a Soldier (not sailor, it's different in that soldiers are weaker). He is quite agressive and is among the first to attack.  He is also physically very strong (not as much as Ciara, though), and could beat up any monster without using attacks, although he prefers to use his attacks, just because he can. :P

Street Clothes
For a school uniform, he wears gray pants (not jeans though) and a white shirt with a blue jacket, a gray necktie, and black shoes.  When he's not in school, he usually wears either jeans and a t-shirt or a basketball jersey and shorts (when he's playing basketball).  His favorite outfit is one of those "No Fear" t-shirts, and it's black, and he wears it with baggy denim shorts that go past his knees.

Sailor Suit
Him being a male, his sailor suit is lots different.  It's a long-sleeved white shirt and white pants, with red trim and a red belt, along with red shoes.  And obviously he doesn't wear a choker or tiara.  His sailor suit is the only one that looks semi-normal.

Orion Astral Star Power
Orion's transformation phrase.  He says this and raises his transformation wand.  A red arrow circles around him, forming his sailor suit.  He then "poses" in front of a symbol of an arrow.

Orion Crystal Star Power
His second transformation phrase.  It's like his first only at the end he poses in front of his symbol.

Orion Speed Arrow
Orion says this and makes motions of shooting an arrow.  A white arrow of energy shoots at his enemy, sort of electrocuting them.

Speed of Light
Soldier Orion says this and collects light energy in his hands.  He then throws it at his enemy and it flies toward them at an incredible speed, not only electrocuting them but knocking them over.

Light Lion
Orion says this and makes a motion at the enemy, sort of like karate-chopping the air.  From behind him, a lion made entirely of just light energy jumps over him and attacks his enemy.  But he can only do this in his powered up form.

Transformation pen
Hunter's first transformation item.  Like the normal Astros transformation pen, only his is red with a white stripe.  Also, his has no jewels on the star on the top, instead, the gold star on top of his pen is just plain.

Transformation ring
His second transformation item and yes, he does wear a ring (he wears it on a chain that he usually keeps under his shirt).  It's gold, with a white star-shaped jewel in it.  Except that the jewel on his ring is smaller than the other Astros, but that's the only difference.

What he thinks of the others
Zephyr: he acts like he doesn't like her, but he just likes to defy authority (although she's younger than him, she's the leader, and so he considers her to be authority).
Vega: he thinks Lilia has a good sense of humor and is athletic for a girl.
Io: doesn't like her.  The ditziness thing gets to him.
Andromeda: he's a little jealous that she's smart, but otherwise gets along with her okay.
Inferno: they used to be best friends, but once he met Aisling they started drifting apart
Nova: he and Ciara get along okay, and he trusts her, even though she was evil.
Arcturus: thinks she's a cute kid, like everyone else does, and admires her dedication and karate skills, though he doesn't want to admit it.
Spica: he doesn't want to admit this either, but Aisling's his girlfriend.  Whenever someone asks he denies it, but it's true.