Sailor Astros
Part 14: The Return of the Soldier of Snow
© 1998 Willow McCall

 "Nova messed up again, hehehe…ouch!" Soldara giggled, back in the Death Ladies’ lair, but was interrupted by Nova, who threw a small block of ice at her from across the room.
 "Shut up, Soldara!" Nova snapped, from her seat across the room, another ice cube in hand.  "I’d like to see you do better."
 "I bet I could!" Soldara argued.  "Better than you did anyway."
 Nova shrugged.  "It seems weird, but it didn’t seem to me like I should hurt them.  Like they should be spared, for some reason or another."
 "You’re pathetic, Nova," Soldara replied.  "Of course you should hurt them!  As much as you’d like to!  They’re our enemies."
 "Never mind…" Nova replied, standing up.  "I’d better go see the Ladies.  It seems they have something else for me to do…"
 "They probably do," Soldara said.  "Something where you won’t get beaten again, maybe?"  Nova didn’t say anything, she just rolled her eyes and left.


 "Nova, can you explain why you failed?" Muerta asked.
 "Yes, I can," Nova replied.  "I thought I had trapped all of the Astros in my ice cubes, but there were two that I had missed.  They freed Inferno, and she freed the rest of the Astros.  I am sorry.  I have another way to find them."
 "What is that?" Espirita asked.
 "An energy sensor," Nova answered, producing a small instrument that looked like a pen.  "This will let us find which of those humans has the most energy…thus leading us to find which humans are the Astros.  I will take this to the high school and use it to find out which of the students are Astros."
 "Good plan, Nova," Diabla said.  "Are you going to try it out now?"
 "I might as well," Nova replied, teleporting to Earth.

 Sara walked down the hall of the school to her next class.  She turned the corner and bumped right into Moira.
 "Oh, I’m sorry, Moira!" Sara cried, helping the other girl up.  "Are you okay?"
 "Sure," Moira replied shakily.  "What is it with these humans?" she thought.  "They’re so…polite.  It’s sickening!"
 Suddenly, Nova noticed that her energy sensor was reacting.  "It couldn’t be reacting to this girl…could it?"  She checked the sensor.  It was picking up high levels of energy from this girl.  "I’ve got to do something about this," Nova thought.
She took Sara by the wrist.  "Um, Sara?" Nova asked her.  "Could you come with me for a minute?"
 "Sure!" Sara said.  "What is it?"
 "You’ll see," Nova replied.  She dragged Sara down the hall, then pushed her into a vacant classroom.  "Okay, human, I know that you’re a Sailor Astro.  Just admit it, why don’t you?"
 "I have no idea what you’re talking about!" Sara lied.  "Just leave me alone, okay?"
 "Hey, what’re you doing?" a voice asked.  Sara and Nova turned to see that the classroom wasn’t empty as they had thought.  Kaylie had been in the classroom and was watching the whole thing.
 "What’re you doing in here?" Nova demanded.  "You’d better go away or I’ll have to…well, I’d have to do something real bad."
 "Hey!" Kaylie cried out.  "You’re that freak who attacked the softball team, aren’t you?"
 "What?" Sara asked.
 "She attacked our softball team," Kaylie replied.  "Lilia was there too."
 "I’ve had enough of this!" Nova yelled at Kaylie, flinging an energy sphere at her.  The sphere threw Kaylie against the wall, and she became unconscious.
 "You’re…" Sara suddenly realized what was going on.  "You’re Nova, aren’t you?"
 "That’s right," Nova replied, changing back into her normal form.  "And you’re a Sailor Astro."
 "Oops…" Sara muttered.  "Too late now, I guess.  Io Astral Star Power!"  She transformed, and Nova watched her with a smirk on her face.
 "So I thought," Nova said.  "Now I can take you back to Darkdeath.  Nova Snow Blizzard!"  The room clouded with snow, and when it cleared, Io was frozen in a block of ice.  Nova laughed triumphantly, but was cut off.
 "What are you doing to her?" a voice demanded.  Nova turned and saw Sailor Spica, accompanied by Sailors Orion and Andromeda.
 "I discovered her identity!" Nova announced.  "She’s really Sara Riker, a tenth grade student here!"
 "So now we’ll have to kill you," Orion concluded.
 "No we won’t," Andromeda pronounced firmly.
 "What?" Orion asked.
 "We won’t kill her," Andromeda said.  "She’s an Astro herself.  We’ve got to heal her."
 "Oh, right!" Spica remembered.
 "What are you talking about!" Nova protested.  "I’m not one of you!"
 "Yes you are," another voice said.  It was Zephyr, who had just arrived with the rest of the Sailor Astros and Cypress.
 "Nova, do you remember?" Cypress asked her.
 Nova nearly jumped out of her skin.  After pulling herself back together she asked him, "Remember what?"
 "Your past," Cypress replied.  He began to glow a bluish purple color, and the glow spread throughout the room.  When it reached Nova, she collapsed on the floor.  Then Cypress flew to her and the glow faded.
 "What happened?" Zephyr asked.  "Did you heal her?"
 "No, I don’t have the power to do that," Cypress replied.  "I restored her memories."
 Then Nova woke up.  "Ohh, that was weird," she muttered, still half-asleep.  "Sailor Astros?  Is it really…"  She jumped up and looked at the faces of each sailor around her.
 "Now do you remember?" Cypress asked.
 "Of course!" Nova cried.  "I remember everything.  The final battle, our lives on Astro, the dance party…and…dying."  She turned away from the others, and they realized that she was crying.
 "Nova?  Are you ready to be healed?" Spica asked cautiously.
 All of a sudden, Nova snapped back to life.  "No way!" she spat out.  "My loyalty is with the Death Ladies, and always will be!"
 "But Nova!" Vega protested.  "Don’t you remember?"
 Nova hesitated, thinking it over.  "I’m sorry," she said at last.  "I don’t know what came over me.  But yes, I do want to be healed."
 "All right," Cypress agreed.  "Sailor Spica?"
 "Right," Spica nodded.  "Purity Healing," she whispered, holding her sword out to Nova.  A ray of light shone from her sword, and it washed over Nova.  Nova, once again, collapsed on the ground.  Her uniform melted off and her sailor suit appeared on her.  It was red with a black bow, and a brooch that was red with a black stripe on it.  Nova stood up again, smiling.
 "It worked…" was all she could say.
 "It worked!  YES!" Io cried out, and the others followed suit.  It took a while, but Cypress managed to calm them down again.
 "We managed to transform her into Sailor Nova, but now can we transform her into a normal human?" Inferno asked.  "It would look weird for her to be running around in a sailor suit all the time."
 "True," Spica said.  "That’s something I overlooked when casting the spell."
 "Oh, yeah, I can detransform," Nova affirmed.  She traced a circle around her brooch with the tip of her finger, and she detransformed.
 "That’s good," Zephyr said, relieved.  She and the others detransformed as well, and Moira finally realized who they were.
 "Vega…Lilia?" Moira was surprised.  "And Spica, you’re Shiloe?  That’s…well, I certainly didn’t expect that."
 "Well," Shiloe said, "at least you’re free now."


 The next day, as Shiloe was going into science class, she saw a note on her desk.  She sat down, then noticed Moira.  Moira just smiled, motioning for Shiloe to read the note.  Shiloe did as she was told.  She opened the note carefully, then read it.
 "Thank you for freeing me, Spica.  I cannot thank you enough for helping me to realize what the Death Ladies were doing to us.  Now I’m certain that we have to destroy the Ladies for what they’ve done.  Thank you again, Shiloe. —Nova."

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