Sailor Astros
Part 16: When a Game Becomes Real
© 1998 Willow McCall

 It was a Monday afternoon, and Moira was walking home from school.  Since she had become a human, she had bought an apartment that was near Ryan’s apartment and Shiloe’s house.  She guessed that since she was going to pose as a human that she might as well live like one.
 "Hey, Moira!" a voice called to her from behind her.  Moira turned around to see Shiloe and Ryan behind her.  They were the two Astros who had been the friendliest towards her.  The rest of them were either intimidated by her or still thought of her as an enemy, because they usually remained distant from her.  But not Shiloe or Ryan.
 "Hello," Moira greeted them.
 "Where’re you going today, Mo?" Shiloe asked, calling her by the nickname they had given her.
 Moira couldn’t keep herself from smiling.  "Nowhere, really.  Just going home."
 "Want to come with us?  We were going to the arcade to hang out," Ryan offered.
 "Hang out?" Moira repeated, confused.  "What are we going to hang from?  A tree?"
 Shiloe laughed.  "No, not literally hang out.  It’s just an expression.  We’re just going to sit around and talk, that’s what it means.  So, do you want to come with us?"
 "Sure!" Moira agreed.  She, Shiloe, and Ryan walked off together.

 "This is the most brilliant idea I’ve ever had!" Soldara said to herself as she worked in her laboratory.  "Creating daimons that will jump out of the screens of those primitive human video games.  And of course, I’ll be there to monitor them in case they start tearing everything up.  Human teenagers like those kinds of things, so the Astros might be there as well!"
 "Soldara, are you ready yet?" one of the Death Ladies called to her from their room.
 "Yes, I’m on my way!" Soldara shouted back to them as she teleported to earth.

 "So…this is the arcade?" Moira asked.  Shiloe, Ryan, and her were standing outside the arcade, and Moira was staring at the flashing neon signs and the colorful posters.
 "Yeah," Ryan replied.  "It’s where we usually go after school. Sometimes we go with the others, sometimes we don’t."
 After watching Moira staring at the building for a while, Shiloe said, "So are we going to stand here all day or are we going to go in?"
 "Oh, um…" Moira was snapped out of her trance momentarily.  "Go in, I guess."
 "Good choice," Ryan agreed, following the girls into the building.
 When they went in, all Moira could do was stare again.  "Human places…they’re so colorful and everything…and loud."
 Ryan waved a hand in front of Moira’s face.  "Are you all right?"
 Moira shook her head.  "I’m fine.  Sorry about that.  It’s just that after being trapped in a world of eternal darkness, I’m just so excited to see what real life is like."
 "Eternal darkness?" Shiloe repeated.
 Moira nodded.  "Yeah.  Darkdeath.  That’s where I come from…well, it’s where I’ve lived for the past who-knows-how-many-years.  I don’t even remember what the Age of Sapphire was like before I was possessed."
 "It must have been awful," Shiloe thought aloud.
 "It was," Moira said.  "I hardly even had control of my own mind."
 Ryan decided to interrupt this moment of reflection by breaking in, "So, are we going to play video games now, or what?"
 "Oh, yeah," Moira said.  She went over to a video game machine and fiddled with the controls.  "So how do these work, anyway?"
 "You put a quarter into the slot," Ryan explained, showing Moira the coin slot.  "Then the machine will work."
 "What’s a quarter?" Moira asked.
 "She’s got a lot to learn about the human world, doesn’t she?" Shiloe said to Ryan.
 "She certainly does," Ryan replied, laughing.

 Soldara, in her human form, was in the same arcade.  This was the arcade that she had decided to take over.  Turning to one of the other employees of the arcade that she had infested with dark energy, she said "So, are the game machines ready?"
 "They are," the daimon employee said.
 Soldara smiled.  "Good.  You go check those, and I’ll do an energy scan of the building to see if there are any Astros in here."  The employee left, and Soldara took out an energy sensor, the same one that Nova used that Soldara had somehow managed to retrieve.  She scanned the arcade for energy, then looked up and said to herself, "There are Sailor Soldiers here, in this very building.  And I will be the one to destroy them."

 "Okay, now kick!" Ryan instructed Moira.  He was watching her play a video game.  "No, press the button under your left index finger."
 "This one?" Moira asked, turning away from the game and pointing at one of the game’s controls.
 "No, that…WATCH OUT!" Ryan yelled, noticing that Moira had turned her attention from the game.  "You’re going to…oh man, you died.  Here, let me try it."  Moira stepped aside and Ryan stood in front of the game.  Inserting a quarter, he began a new game.
 "Playing video games is too hard," Moira complained to Shiloe, who was standing nearby.  She glanced at Ryan, who was beating on the controls like a madman.  "Ryan seems to be good at it, though."
 "That’s practically all he ever does," Shiloe said.  "When he’s not in school, studying, or fighting as an Astro, he’s in front of his stupid video game machine."
 "Shiloe, may I ask you a question?" Moira asked.  Then, glancing at Ryan, she added, "In privacy, away from him."
 "Sure, what is it?" Shiloe asked, as Moira led her off to the other side of the arcade.
 "Well…" Moira began.  "About Ryan.  Do you…do you love him?"
 "Um, Moira?" Shiloe replied.  "I’m not sure I heard you correctly."
 "You did," Moira said.  "I asked if you love him.  Do you?"
 "I suppose so…" Shiloe replied, blushing beet red.  "Isn’t that a personal question?"
 "Sorry," Moira replied.  "I was just wondering."
 "Oh, shoot!" they heard Ryan yelling from across the arcade.  "Stupid video game!"
 "What happened?" Shiloe asked, as she and Moira returned to the other side of the arcade.
 "I was on the third level when I fell into the pit of spikes and I died!" Ryan complained.  Sighing in defeat, he asked, "Do either of you want to try?"
 "Sure," Moira said.  Ryan handed her a quarter and she put it into the machine, then she pressed start.  Nothing happened.  Again, she pressed the start button on the game machine, but again nothing happened.  "Why isn’t it working?" she asked Ryan.
 "Oh, man," Ryan moaned, "did that thing take another of my quarters?"  He pressed the coin return button, but nothing happened.  He pressed every control on the machine, but nothing happened.  "Oh, shoot, that stupid machine stole my quarter!  Give it back, you cheap piece of junk!"  He began to pound on the game machine.
 "Ryan, calm down!" Shiloe said, pulling him away from the machine.
 "But it stole my quarter!" Ryan argued.
 "We’ll get someone who works here to get it back, all right?" Shiloe tried to calm him down.
 "All right," Ryan agreed.  He went over to the machine and gave it one last kick.  "Stupid junk," he muttered.
 "Having problems, kids?" a voice asked.  Turning around, Ryan, Moira, and Shiloe saw a young woman wearing a uniform that showed that she was an employee of the arcade, and her nametag indicated that her name was Dara.  She had reddish blonde hair and gold eyes, which caused Moira to recognize her immediately as Soldara.
 "Yes, I am," Ryan said to the human Soldara.  "This game machine stole my quarter.  And I would like it back, if that’s possible."
 "It is," Soldara said, going over to the machine.  Taking out a key, she unlocked the panel of the machine and took out a quarter.  "Here you go," she said, tossing it to him.  "If anything else goes wrong, let me know."  She left them, going off into the back of the room.
 "Now that I have my quarter back…" Ryan kneeled down and was about to put the quarter into the machine when Moira interrupted.
 "Wait a minute, Ryan!" she said.  He stood back up.  "Do you know who that lady was?"
 "Someone who works here," Ryan said.  "No, I don’t know her personally, but—"
 "That was Soldara!" Moira cried.
 "Who?" Ryan asked.
 "That was Soldara?" Shiloe repeated.  "But how—"
 "Yes, that was Soldara," Moira said.  "The fourth warrior to the Death Ladies, below me in rank.  I think she’s planning to attack here."
 Shiloe was about to answer, but before she could open her mouth, a scream was heard from across the arcade.  People were running for their lives out of the arcade.
 "What’s going on here?" Shiloe asked one person as he was running by.
 "Get out of here!  The video games are coming to life!" the boy replied, before hightailing it out of the arcade himself.
 "They are," Moira said, pointing to the video game that had stolen Ryan’s quarter a few minutes ago.  "Look!"  One of the monsters from the video game was crawling out of the screen.
 "Soldara’s doing, I guess," Shiloe said.  "Come on!"  They ran out of the building and into the alley next to the arcade.  "Okay, guys, transform!" she instructed.  "Spica Astral Star Power!"
 "Orion Astral Star Power!"
 "Nova Astral Star Power!"
 They transformed, but once they were done transforming, the wall of the arcade crashed outwards into the alley.  It was a video game daimon who had smashed the wall out.  When the daimon saw the Sailors, it immediately attacked.  It shot three long tentacles out at Orion, Spica, and Nova.  The tentacles wrapped around the three Sailors, and they were trapped.
 "Good work, daimon!" Soldara said to the daimon, coming out of the building into the alley.  "You’ve found the Sailor Astros.  And trapped them too.  Very good."
 "We won’t be trapped for long, though!" Spica yelled.  Her sword appeared in her hand, and she cut the daimon’s tentacles, then freed the others as well.  "Stay," she ordered the daimon, pointing at it with her sword.  The daimon shrank back obediently.
 "Why are you listening to her?" Soldara demanded of the daimon.  "Attack them!"
 The daimon leaped up and attacked the sailors, but Orion attacked back.  "Orion Speed Arrow!"  The arrow struck the daimon, but the daimon kept attacking, swinging its tentacles wildly, trying to knock down a sailor.
 "Nova Snow Blizzard!" Nova yelled.  Snow flew all around them, and when it lifted, the daimon had frozen into a solid block of ice.
 "What have you done?!" Soldara cried.  "That’s it, you traitor, you’re dead!  Solar Fireball!"  A fireball appeared above Nova and was hurtling down toward her.
 "Nova, look out!" Spica cried, pushing Nova out of the way of the fireball.  The fireball struck the earth, causing a small explosion, but no one was hurt.
 "What do you say we destroy this daimon, huh guys?" Orion suggested.
 "I don’t think so!" Soldara protested.
 "Whatever," Spica replied.  "Spica Dream Chaos!" she yelled out.  A mist floated over Soldara, who began to hallucinate and have nightmares.
 "No more, please!" Soldara begged, after witnessing a few minutes of nightmares from Spica’s attack.  "I’m leaving!  You can do whatever you want, I’m just going to leave."  She teleported back to Darkdeath, taking her daimons with her.
 "Well, that took care of that problem," Orion said.
 "Right," Spica agreed.  "Now we’ve just got to make sure that no one was hurt, then get out of here before we get in trouble for that wall or something."
 "Hey, kids!" a man’s voice yelled at them from inside the arcade.  They looked in and saw the manager of the arcade coming towards them.
 "Or maybe not," Orion said.  "We’re out of here."  The three Astros ran off down the street.
 "You’d better pay for that wall there!" the manager called after them.  "Hey!  Come back here!"  But they were already gone.

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