The Sailor of Dreams, Sailor Spica
Real name: Aisling Quinn
Japanese Name: Kareino Yume (dream of beauty)
Nicknames: Sailor Spike, by a few of the Astros at first
Birthday: February 28th 
Age: 15
Zodiac Sign: Pisces 
Height: 5'6" 
Favorite colors: purple, blue 
Hobbies: gymnastics, ballet, fencing 
Favorite Subject: she likes all subjects 
Strengths: extreme intelligence
Weaknesses: hyperactivity
Likes: reading 
Dislikes: hypocrites, bigots 
Favorite Food: pizza 
Favorite Gemstone: pearl 
Family: her mom died but her dad...well, didn't. 
From: Dublin
What's in her bedroom: a pair of fencing swords crossed over her door, and posters of ballerinas and gymnasts.  She also has her own computer, which is set up at a (very cluttered) desk in one corner.
Dream: to win the Nobel Prize
Sailor Spica *new picture*
Position: Outer Senshi, guardian to the Labyrinth Royal Family
Element: purity, dreams, etc.
Fighting Style: offensive/defensive
Secret Weapons: her gymnastics skills sort of, and the Dream Sword
Guardian: none

Average height, a little taller than most of the other Astros though.  Her hair is really long, down to her knees.  It's light green with blue highlights, straight, and sort of thick.  Part of it falls across her face, partially covering her right eye.  Her eyes are light blue, the same color as the skirt of her sailor suit.

It may not seem like it, but Aisling is truly a genius.  Her IQ is almost 200, and she gets A's without having to open a book.  However, she's very talkative and hyperactive sometimes.  She always says what's on her mind, which gets her in trouble sometimes.  She can also be...well, hyper.  Because of this, people don't believe that she is a genius since she seems rather unintelligent.  But she is, and those closest to her know she is.
As Sailor Spica, she has powers over dreams and purity.  Before she joined the other Astral Senshi, she was a Tuxedo Kamen type who saved the senshi when they were in trouble.  She also uses her gymnastics skills to her advantage by doing backflips and such over the enemy, confusing them.  Her fencing skills also come in handy, being the carrier of the Dream Sword as a senshi and being able to use it to fight.  She's _extremely_ serious about her job, thinks she was "born to be a senshi".

Street Clothes
She wears the same school uniform as everyone else when she's in school, but eventually she goes off to a local college and doesn't wear a uniform anymore.  Other than that, she wears clothes that are in fashion, but that are comfortable too.  She wears a lot of pastels, especially blue, green, pink, and purple.  Her favorite outfit is a light purple dress with darker purple flowers on it, which she wears a denim vest over.

Spica Astral Star Power
Sailor Spica's transformation phrase.  She says this and raises her transformation wand.  A purplish bluish mist fades in and out of the picture, and when it finally fades out, Spica is somehow in her sailor suit.  She poses in front of a symbol of a sunburst.

Spica Crystal Star Power
Her second transformation phrase, the one that powers her up.  It's the same as her first, only she poses in front of her symbol at the end.

Spica Dream Chaos
Spica says this and raises her Dream Sword..  This attack causes her enemies to see everything as distorted and blurred.  It also causes them to see things that aren't there, such as monsters and other Sailors and things.

Purity Healing
Spica says this to turn a monster (usually a monster who didn't used to be evil) into a normal human again.  She holds her Dream Wand out in their direction and says the words, shooting rays of bluish white light at them.  The light washes over them and they return to their normal forms.

Daydream Rush
Sailor Spica says this and holds one arm up.  Her arm starts collecting energy and she brings it down and the energy flies at her enemy with the force of a strong wind.

Illusion Mists
Her powered up attack, though it seems more like powered down... Anyway, she says this and swings her sword back and forth.  A purple mist floats out, but not an ordinary mist.  It causes Spica and the other Astros to become invisible to the enemy, so they can attack without the enemy seeing.

Transformation Pen
Aisling's first transformation item.  It's like the regular Astros transformation pen, only hers is blue with a light purple stripe across the base of the pen.  On one side of the gold star on the top is a light blue jewel, on the other side of the star is a light pink jewel.

Transformation Ring
Her second transformation item.  It's a gold ring with a light blue star-shaped jewel.

Dream Sword
Spica's sword which gives her her powers.  It's stainless steel, about two and a half feet long, with a blue handle.  The handle has a green jade embedded in it.

What she thinks of the others
Zephyr: thinks she's a good leader, but too sports-obsessed.
Vega: Aisling recognizes that Lilia's smart, and thinks she's funny too.
Io: thinks she's a ditz, but friendly.
Andromeda: she thinks that Viola is smart too, and she gets along well with her.
Inferno: she likes her, but doesn't think Anala likes her back, though she's not sure why.
Orion: she won't admit it, but he's her boyfriend.  She likes him a lot (I daresay she loves him), but is embarrassed whenever anyone brings it up.
Nova: Ciara's her best friend.  Aisling kind of feels sorry for her, because she knows it must be hard after being brainwashed like she was.
Arcturus: thinks that she's cute, but is already turning out to be a bit of an airhead like her sister.
