General Information

It really isn't possible to provide blanket statements about what Pagans believe.
Just as there are differences between various Christian sects, so, too, are there differences between various Pagan paths.
While the specifics may differ, the information on the following pages presents beliefs that are, for the most part, accepted by those who follow the Old Religion.

Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you always wanted to know about Paganism, but didn't have anyone to ask.
If you still have questions, feel free to e-mail us at the link at the bottom of the page.

The Principals of Wiccan Beliefs,

Written in 1974, during the first, last, and only meeting of the Council of American Witches, these principals are widely accepted by modern Pagans.

The Rede
Probably the most basic belief adhered to by modern Pagans.

The Charge of the Goddess.
Probably the most loved piece of literature among Pagans.

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