Coven Rules

Any organization needs to have some rules, some standard of behavior for its members.
I'm trying to make these as lax as possible, but they will be enforced.

Harm None
All members of Silver Web Coven will adhere to The Rede as much as is humanly possible.
That should be enough said on that matter, but people being what they are, here are a few specifics:

Members will not reveal e-mail addresses or ICQ numbers of other members to anyone without that member's express consent.
(The exception being that the Coven e-mail address ( may be given to anyone interested in additional information.)

Members will not harrass or stalk other members, either over the internet or in "real time."


While realizing that people do have lives and other interests, members of Silver Web Coven are encouraged to spend time in the chat room as often as possible in order to form the close friendships that make a coven a spiritual family.

That said, members who miss more than one Sabbat or 3 Esbats in a year will be suspended.
(There may be exceptions made to this on an individual basis.)


Members will be expected to treat all visitors to our room with respect.
Remember, we are representatives of The Old Religion, and others may judge all Pagans by our attitudes and behavior.

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