An Autumn Eve

written by Amy Smelley

Raindrops' sporadic rhythm drum across the porch
A light mist drapes itself over the field
Enveloping everything in its path into its shroud of mystery.
Trees fearfully toss their bushy heads
While the wind whispers pacifying words
Which ass through the tousle the shivering leaves.
Then, as the band marches through the streets, fading off into the distance
The raindrops play their drums in a slightly slower cadence.
Faintly can the pattering on the porch be distinguished.
The trees straighten their backs and once again hold high their colorful heads
No longer fearful of their surroundings.
Whisperings cease with the wind content
Knowing it was his words that had soothed the trees frightened antics.
Only the lonely mist remains
Enfolding the dark secrets for the surrounding elements.
Only the mist remains as a reminder of the autumn evening storm.

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