My Links

Name & LinkDiscription
Frimlin Kiwi CreaturesA VERY GOOD site for c1 and c2 lovers! There are good c2 norns avalible for download here. The best creatures I have got here are the amphibicreatures for c2.
The Creatures 2 Adoption AgencyHere you can request a certain type of creature in C2.
The Rise of Norn CivilizationAnother GOOD site. It has new types of c1 norns, storys, and a few other things.
The Truth About GrendelsA great site defending the other creature in creatures1 and 2. The creature that some people don't know the truth about. The Grendel.
The Creatures 2 CapitalA site with different ideas than most sites
Tortured NornsA refreshing change from all the tickle my norn pages(no offense meant). But don't go here if you can't stand violence to artifical intellegence games.