Greetings and Welcome To

Sir NightHawks

Winter Scenes

Page 1

I have created this series for those who like the cold, brisk air, and feel of winter.

I myself find winter nights very very peaceful, especially after a newly fallen snow
has provided a pillowy blanket, silencing the sounds of night.

So, I do hope that you will enjoy this series, which should consist of a new page
each week during the winter season. So check back each week for a new one.

The above pic is one of many of the infamous Northern Lights.
A display that is beyond words. I know of this first hand, when I
personally saw a Northern Lights display in May of 98, while I was
visting in Northern Canada. A sight, I can say, I will never forget.

Well my friends, please enjoy this series and even though u may like the cold,
keep all the warmth in your hearts for those around you.

Be Well and Stay Safe E/Everyone

Sir NightHawk

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or select one of the below links, by clicking on the image.

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Winter Page 2

This page created on November 26, 2000