The Judge and The Space Cadet


(Cronin and Budda)


The story begins one hot August night,

With old Gerald Budda, and no one in sight.

He rolled onto the lot, with a new shopping cart,

And proceeded to fill it, with dirt for a start.


After he loaded up, seventeen bags,

Each one still bearing, Safeway's price tags.

Gerald departed, he was not to be caught,

But soon he was thwarted, by Constable Scott.


Gerald was arrested and taken to jail,

There was, no way, this clown could make bail.

There he would stay, six weeks in all,

Waiting and wondering, how hard he would fall.


His court date arrived and Gerald came in,

Up on the bench sat, Judge Edmund Cronin.

The facts were related, about Gerald's offence,

He was certainly guilty, he had no defence.


But lo and behold, to no ones surprise,

The judgement came down, it opened our eyes.

Not guilty ruled Cronin, there's a reasonable doubt,

This man was just moving, some merchandise out.


It is safe to assume, in this day and age,

With day and night shopping, becoming the rage,

That old Gerald Budda, would return the next day,

With money in hand, his debt he would pay.


So freedom for Gerald, it is really the pits,

He was back on the street, to terrorize Kits.

The shopkeepers there, are all ready to kill,

If Budda returns, they probably will.


A word of advice, to those in the courts,

Lock this nut up, quit being good sports!

Give a well deserved rest, to the owners of shops,

And earn some applause, from all Team 8 cops.


P.C. 664 T.J. Gowdyk 86-10-18 (28)