Sergeant Larry Young,
a collegue and a friend,
Was performing all his
duties, bravely to the end.
Called into work from
holidays, he attended right away,
Responding to the call-out,
on this his final day.
He deployed his squad
accordingly, to assault the suspect house,
While inside sat the
wanted man, quiet as a mouse.
Larry was the point
man, Al Cattley close behind,
In went the door, the
two burst in, to see what they could find.
Room to room they searched
it, up to the final room,
Then they tossed a stun
grenade, which exploded with a boom!
They made their entry
to the room, through the open door,
When suddenly a shot
rang out, Larry crumpled to the floor.
He may have lost this
battle, but remember him we will,
His happy smile and
outlook, and especially his skill.
We mourn for those he
left behind, his wife and teenage kids,
Also for his collegues
from Team 8 down to the skids.
But carry on, without
him, to every single call,
Chief Stewart sent the
message out, heard by one and all.
Hold dear the precious
memories, they may begin to dim,
But here and now forevermore,
please remember him.
The work goes on it
never quits, as Larry never would,
He went out and did
his job, the very best he could.
Though this poem is
not a lot, it is written from the heart,
A way to hold his memory,
I hope it's just the start.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 87-02-04
Dedicated to the memory
of Sgt. Larry Young.