I guess I am a dinosaur,
I long for days gone past,
The years keep climbing
upwards, moving by too fast.
Things have changed
so radically, sometimes for the worse,
So many things that
USETABE, I'll detail some in verse.
A cop out working, on
his beat, made decisions on his own,
He took responsibility,
it was his and hers alone.
Crooks would get arrested,
and thrown into jail,
That's the way it USETABE,
in the days of ten cent mail.
Crown Counsel was on
our side, and not the enemy,
Now they work against
us, letting crooks go free.
Judges were much stricter,
in laying down the law,
That's the way it USETABE,
with cases that I saw!
Report forms were much
simpler, running just one page,
Vancouver cops, for
Canada, got the highest wage.
Morale, it was much
higher, enthusiasm reigned,
But that's the way it
USETABE, I think I have explained.
I guess I sound too
negative, maybe so I scream,
But, this verse is just
my way of, blowing off some steam.
No question, I am older
now, frustration takes its toll,
Thinking how things
USETABE, a policeman's changing role.
Now things are not improving,
they have gone from good to bad,
We are on a downward
spiral, which is really very sad.
But, some things keep
me going, a bright spot I can see.
Payday is on Thursdays,
just the way it USETABE!
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 88-04-07