Human Earthquake
Big Dave Walker is the
hero, of this latest tale,
With two days left in
'88, he knew he could not fail.
He and partner Nine
Two Two, responded to a call,
To aid a lady in distress,
both were walking tall.
Her problem was unusual,
to say the very least,
A junkie had just broken
in, he was an awful beast.
Stealing was not on
his mind, he had to fix his "jones",
But trouble was a-brewing,
he could feel it in his bones.
Now Dave could see that
junkie, through a crack beside the door,
He got wound up to kick
it, by running 'cross the floor.
He hit the door a mighty
shot, the darn thing didn't break,
So Dave got set to go
again, how much pressure could it take?
When finally Dave had
gotten in, the junkie was not gone,
But all the drugs and
outfit were, he flushed them down the john.
So Dave departed meekly,
his spirits were down low,
But all things have
a bright side, the junkie was in tow.
As if this problem were
not enough, a stabbing call came in,
So Dave and Jeff responded,
they were sure that they could win.
Four P.C's were on the
scene, two suspects were inside,
The choice was made
to kick the door, Dave could not be denied.
He backed across the
hallway, ran forward at full speed,
Then hit that door with
size ten boots, that should do the deed.
But, it was not meant
to be, that door withstood the shot,
While poor Dave Walker
stood and stared, rooted to the spot.
This just could not
be happening, two doors that would not fall,
Dave could not believe
it, he really gave his all.
But still he could not
just give up, his reputation was at stake,
That flimsy wood apartment
door, surely had to break.
He wound it up, charged
ahead, and jumped into the air,
Hit the door, 'bout
half way up, all things in war are fair.
He hit the door so hard
that, the entire building shook,
But still it was not
open, they could not catch the crook.
To add insult to injury,
the door was opened wide,
By one badly drunken
suspect, half asleep inside.
He was awakened from
his stupor, by the noise outside his door,
And greeted by the sight
of, three cops, down on the floor.
Now earthquakes bring
down buildings, made of cement and steel,
Such was not the case
this day, in time Dave's pride will heal.
So David "Lumpy"
Walker, forever more you are,
The Department's "Human
Earthquake", you just became a star.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 89-01-14