Klip Klop


Klip Klop is the nickname, of Sergeant Earl Clapp,

Whose cool and calm good nature, rarely leaves him in a flap.

But recently he got into, a spot of red faced fun,

When the horse he had dismounted, decided he should run.


Now Earl made a quick lunge, he knew he must not fail,

He quickly reached for Brigadier, and got a piece of tail.

But Brigadier's a stubborn horse, he kept walking on the right,

With Earl dragging close behind, that tail gripped mighty tight.


This happened on the causeway, of good old Stanley Park,

All of it in daylight, while Earl wished for dark.

When finally his hold let go, his piece of tail was gone,

And Klip Klop was left standing, on the roadside all alone.


Since that was the loosest piece, of tail he ever had,

Earl got to thinking, and feeling awful bad.

What will happen to me, if I lose this silly horse?

Why paperwork forever more, and other things, of course!


What could he do to catch the beast, before he got too far,

Well, the first thing that he thought of, hitch a ride by car.

So he flagged a passing citizen, and quickly got ahead,

Meanwhile his face was turning, several shades of red.


He stood and waited for that horse, to get to where he stood,

As Brigadier approached him, Klip Klop had him good.

Earl grabbed the dangling reins, and jumped back up on top,

This nearly is the closing of, this tale of old Klip Klop.


Finally to close this off, the story that I wrote,

The best way I can end this thing, is on a happy note.

A little bit of good advice, for Earl to adhere,

Next time you want a piece of tail, don't pick on Brigadier!


PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 89­04­15 (63)