The Legend

Heroes come and heroes go, but legends they live on,
Stories of great deeds performed, by men who've come and gone.
Sometimes there will come a man, who is great beyond his years,
It is time for us to gather round, to give this one the gears.
Pat Fogarty, The Legend, a beat man from the skids,
Wished to transfer somewhere else, chasing gangs of kids.
But such a move was vetoed, by the boss of Patrick's team,
He was much too valuable, to let pursue this dream.

So began, The Legend, a one man wrecking crew,
The interviews on printed page, features on V.U.
Meetings with the press corps, his sidekick right behind,
The ever faithful partner he, some say the mastermind.

As Watson was to Sherlock Holmes, Tonto to The Ranger,
So goes The Legend's partner too, protecting him from danger.
He's the one who takes the heat, if anything goes wrong,
And follows in those footsteps, as The Legend strolls along.

He does not get the spotlight, he's always second fiddle,
Just who I ask you, is this man, the subject of this riddle.
How can he be so faithful, is he plotting overthrow?
Will he steal some accolades, so The Legend eats some crow?

Or is he just as happy to, become the unknown man,
To fade into the background, is this his master plan?
Or would he like some credit, to be recognized and so,
Everyone please gather round, meet The Legend and Waldo.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 89-12-29 (72)