The Stabbing
The story starts
down in the skids, a drug dealers cozy nest,
Knives are
flashed and one goes down, bleeding from the chest.
Units all respond
Code Three, the scene bathed in coloured light,
To investigate
the aftermath, of another Skid Road fight.
Doug Bain arrived
among the first, grabbing two men at the scene,
A witness and
a victim, no suspect had been seen.
But this story
gets quite twisted, as Skid Road stories do,
The victim
now the suspect, the witness victim two.
To hospital
they both were rushed, now the witness he may die,
No way would
he incriminate, the suspect other guy.
So Doug maintained
a vigil, in the operating room,
In case the
witness would confess, or go on to meet his doom.
The shift was
quickly ending, Doug called out for relief,
To stand by
with the victim, in case he came to grief.
Enter 1580
Foster, he's an exemption candidate,
Five years
he was a Mountie, now another expatriate.
He strode into
the surgery, his confidence was high,
As Doug explained
procedures, the blood began to fly.
Four Doctors
were now working, inside the victim's chest,
From this rapid
bleeding casualty, they were put to quite a test.
Seems that
while he worked back East, in his tunic Scarlet Red,
Foster never
had experienced, a man this close to dead.
But soon he
will be used to it, where violence is supreme,
The skids is
also known as, a giant size crime scene.
Foster then
glanced over, as this drama was played out,
Stood his ground
a minute more, then quickly looked about.
Then the lights
grew dimmer, as his eyes rolled back inside,
And Foster,
former Mountie, was now laid out there beside.
PC 664 T.J.
Gowdyk 90-10-19 (81)