The Axeman Cometh

Nightshift out in District Two, just an ordinary night,
Drunks, assaults, armed robberies, just one bar-room fight.
Calls were being stacked and held, like cord-wood out in back,
While units did the best they could, to get things back on track.
When the shift was finally over, and we headed for the barn,
Then began the basis for, this latest rhyming yarn.
A unit stopped from District one, at the kiosk down below,
To turn in keys and radio, then get their things and go.
Sergeant Axel Hovbrender, had rolled in from behind,
A busy shift completed, he was ready to unwind.
One unit stopped in front of him, with room to pass beside,
So to the right he pulled the car, right by them he would slide.

He was just about to pass it, when right before his eyes,
The car door quickly opened, in front of him, Surprise!
All happened in slow motion, like a missile gone astray,
Crash! The door peeled open, and was quickly torn away.
Like the movies or in cartoons, eyes were bugging out,
As Axel turned the corner, nobody thought to shout.
Both members stood there speechless, looking quite forlorn,
There sat their helpless unit, looking like a can of corn.
A warning to all units, if you stop there down below,
Be sure to check behind you, because you never know.
It might be when we're working, the Two Nine Dogs of War,
The "Axeman" may be coming, to peel back another door.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 95-02-07 (118)