Sisdels Groove - Jimmie's Chicken Shack
The Queen P and NikiJ

After the excellent performance at the House of Blues this summer and our recent infatuation with "Pushing the Salmanilla Envelope", we had to go to the JCS show at the Augusta Richmond Civic Center when they came through with Creed. There is nothing like scaring the hell out of passersby on road trips by having the three of us insanely car dancing to "High". Its a sight.

Because Creed is a bunch of narcissistic assholes, we encountered many security hassles on this particular evening. If it had not been for the very cool and helpful JCS crew, I think I would have been forced to give someone a punch to the left eye. No one seemed to get the point that we were so not there to see Creed at all, but since we were forced to deal with them anyway....we would like to talk about them first. They don't deserve top billing here.

Before "In America", Creed's frontman (a good journalist would go fetch his name, but they really aren't worth the effort), advised us to question everything. Otherwise, in his oh-so-enlightened words, we would "go through life with blinders on". As I stood listening to him, I took his advice to heart. I began to wonder, "Why am I listening to this Joey Lawrence look alike? Why am I putting up with these drunken redneck followers of his? How in the world can this pretentious, full of shit singer take himself seriously?" This band has one good song which doesn't exactly afford them the right to perform such an annoying show without having us talk shit about it. When I look at them I see unoriginality and I see a dramatic, babbling fool singing to a bunch of people who, for the most part, breeding priveleges should be denied.

Now with that said, rewind to the best part of the evening when we got to see the amazingly talented JCS. They opened with "Dropping Anchor" and even in the photo pit with my back to the crowd, I could feel their insane energy behind me. Jimi had the fans captivated from beginning to end. He was destined to perform and it doesn't come off in the processed cheesy sort of way that Creed does. He is not trying to intellectually stimulate the audience, but he does what they want him to do...lay down some kick ass music. He happily admitted during the set that some of the songs were about "nothing". That is what we like about him. He just doesn't care what you think...he's Jimi.

We made it through the obstacle course of commando security to get into the dressing room for an interview with the guys after the show. Jimmy, Che, and DD disappeared leaving only Jimi so we like to think that the other guys were quickly grabbing their vomit bags in preparation for Creed. Who can blame them?

We asked Jimi, who has said before that he would like to get across a message in his music, what issues he was most concerned with now. He stated without hesitation, "Just enjoy life." There is no purpose if you aren't happy is what he believes and we really like this philosophy. That is probably why JCS music makes you feel so good. They aren't harboring any evil thoughts to subliminally make you miserable.

Jimi made the comment that there was absolutely nothing in his life that he would want to relive. He says there is no purpose in rewinding. He started out with some pretty tragic little jobs and now look where he is. We can understand his reasons for not wanting to go back.

Some of you may remember Jimi's appearance on the Jerry Springer show with some porn star girlfriend. Who knows if this was a true experience or not. I was less concerned with his personal issues or reasons for appearing and more curious to know if Springer was really the dork he appears to be on TV. Jimi at first gave me that please don't bring that up again look and then laughed, "He's a talk show host. He's a goof!" I think in the Jimi way of not wanting to offend anyone that really meant Springer was a big dork. I'm not sure why it was my mission to bring that out into the open.

I told Jimi that his fat ass genie had just forced its way out of the bottle to grant his three wishes and asked what he would do. Taking the non-committal and easy way out, he said, "Unlimited wishes...the other two don't matter". I was secretly hoping he would say that he wished Creed would go away but thats my own twisted reality. I at least hope he would wish to continue making music because we would have a really boring time on road trips if he didn't.

Through the rest of our conversation we found out other trivial Jimi information that we feel the need to share with you. It could appear on Jeopardy someday and we really want you to win. Jimi doesn't usually watch movies more than once, but his favorite is Glory and he really digs his grandmother's lasagne. He listens to "Compete" by Stanford Prison Experiment to get him pumped before shows sometimes and he says, "If you want to put anything in your zine, tell everyone how much we love SPE". Other bands he mentioned as being cool to tour with were Fuel and 2 Skinnee J's (of course!).

We left the interview with a really good opinion of Jimi. He's a "real" guy and seems to be very appreciative of all the good things going on with his band. We like the attitude, the music, and the carefree aura of it all. "Pushing the Salmanilla Envelope" is on my Top 5 list of favorites so if thats worth anything then you should go get it and car dance along with us.
