Sisdels Groove - Jimmie's Chicken Shack
JCS with WANK and Stanford Prison SKYE

Special Note: This review was written by Queen P's niece, SKYE, who is making a fabulous guest appearance for us. She kicks ass for a 16 year old and will probably take our zine pretty soon...

Summer 1998 - House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, SC
We were on our way to see Jimmie's Chicken Shack which we had pictured in our mind as some whacked out hillbilly band. Our thoughts changed the minute they arrived on stage. Jimi Haha came out with his excellent little dreads and strumming like mad on his guitar. It was definitely safe to say that we were amazed and our eyes never left the stage. We were also introduced to their new, and very cute, drummer who was quite capable of laying down some phat beats. The band was extremely entertaining. The excitement ranged from the madness in the pit and crowdsurfing to the odd and unusual ways that Jimi could play his guitar. We would have to admit this was the best band we had witnessed in quite a while.

The band was very into the crowd. Jimi would yell and start to raise some hell and the fans would return by screaming and jumping like they had just smoked some bad crack. Jimi also thought it would be appropriate if we heard just how good his drummer was so he was asked to play solo and it rocked. To show just how cool this band really is...some strange and annoying girl kept throwing paper and hitting Jimi with it. Finally, I would guess out of pity for this deranged person, he picked it up and read it. Then announced to everyone that it was her birthday.

I am going to have to rave on about how good and original the bass player was. No song would have been complete without his skills. I would describe their music style as hardcore with a little hip hop thrown in the mix because although it was very heavy, it made you wanna dance. It just gives you an indescribable high.

Later, during the performance, we were up on the balcony to check out the action from above. To us it looked like millions of half clothed bodies being slammed together in a pool of sweat, but they were having a blast. This one guy did cut his appearance short while crowdsurfing he flipped backwards and knocked himself out. During one of the songs, Jimi decided to sing us a nursery rhyme for some unknown reason. With some cool chords it sounded as good as some lame nursery rhyme could possibly sound.

If you are looking for a band with not only something worth listening to but also something worth looking at, you should certainly check JCS out. Their cd, "Pushing the Salmanilla Envelope" is worth the trip to your local music store. After the end of their session, we went up in the Green Room and admired them moving their instruments while being hassled by this big overgrown asshole who kept telling us we had to leave. Eventually we were inclined to do so to prevent him from breathing on us anymore. Take our advice, go find yourself some tickets to their show and get your worthless ass out there.
