~Raven's Poetry~

among some of her favorites

Just Another Tomorrow

May your laughter warm your heart...

Your shadow be your friend.
The sun shines today......

We know not of tomorrow.
Your lonliness lies from within,

As you listen to the whisper of the new rain...

And fall asleep in the dusk of the day.
All at last is at peace...

As you fly throught the night......

On the wings of a Raven.

Until you rise with the morning sun.
The beauty stored deep within....

Is tarnished and taken away.
In long-ago memory of laughter and hugs....

That now only exist in the here-and-now vision of

A cluster of clouds.
Till night falls again, you wait..

To make a wish on an evening star....

That you may sleep a warm sleep....

To wake and again get through another day.....

Just you and your shadow.

....by ~Raven~

The Only Love For Me

My mind drifts back in time to the first time we met......

And how this happened to us.
What did we do or say to bring us close together......

And keep us there all the time.
Maybe there was never meant to be an explanation...

I don't even think I want one
One day you just find someone who touches a secret place within you....

And you thereafter are never the same.
You my Love made every dream come true......

You were the best thing that ever happened to me.....

Your love and the way it lasted, its constant power and endurance.
No one else will ever love me like you....

And there is no one else I will ever want.

....by ~Raven~

Once In A Life Time

Sometimes only once in your life...

Your heart gets touched by the Soul of another..

It gets inside you and finds a home.
Memories of all the special days and nights...

Creates rooms within.
Then...when lifes pressures become to much to bear...

You can go inside to once again feel the warmth and laughter..
The special feeling that only that Soul can fulfill.

....by ~Raven~

Promised Dreams...and...Empty Promises

You said you'd always be right there beside me.

All I'd have to do it call your name.

Can't you hear me screaming..

Inside your mind, upon deaf ears.

My needs and wants are still the same.

....by ~Raven~

Eastern Star

Nights turn into days.....but

Where is the sunlight.

Days turn into nights.....but

Where is the moonlight.

I need it now, I need to see

That star in the Eastern Sky.....

The one you placed there.................

Just for me.

....by ~Raven~

Window To The Soul

A writer of song.
A dancer of dance.
A person contained within myself.

A lover of love.
A dreamer of dreams.
I am not one, but many.

Inspired by the unknown to others.
Always there but in many places.
A mind, a soul combined to be....

A feeler of feelings.

Written by: ~Raven~

Copyright 1995

All Right Reserved 1995-1998

Published by National Library of Poetry


Darkness and gloom surround me.
The night is filled with ashes.
A raven flys unseen in blackness.
Unknown, its prey is swept away.

There, the time has no boundries,
Yet the evil of the night goes on forever.
Empty spaces unseen, unfelt can steal your inner peace,
And be gone in the flash of an eye.

The inward mind seeks peace, but can it be, I can not see,
For the night can be deceiving.
Like a mystical power, it conceals true meaning.

Be gone darkened spirits that rule the night.
Bring light unto my eyes so I may see clearly.
For the night casts no shadows.

Alone and still it waits to consume me.
To take me to another place in time from reality.
You come unseen in the darkness, with promise of tomorrow.
Be leery says the heart, the master of night is upon you.

Trust no one you can not see,
For he waits in darkness to steal you away.
Then leave you alone and chilled,
Like in the darkness in which he lives to survive.

Waiting, watching for you to stumble and fall,
Into his waiting arms to fill his needs.
Then when the darkness leaves, he is gone.

Leaving you to wonder what touched you.

Was it real or only a dream..........

Written by: ~Raven~

Copyright 1995

All Rights Reserved 1995-1998

Comes The Dawn

After awhile you learn.....
the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

And you learn.....
that love doesn't mean leaning, and company doesn't mean security.

And you begin to learn.....
that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead; with the grace of an adult, not like the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a awhile you learn.....
that even sunshine burns if you ask too much.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn.....
that you can endure, that you really are strong and you really do have worth.
And you learn.....and you learn.....
with every goodbye,
you learn.


Sad eyes on a happy night,

Brought a smile to a sad face.
In the music of fireflies,

Dancing in the darkness.
A melody of loneliness,

Brought about the symphony

of a greater beauty.
In the darkness with someone...

That cares.

Storm Warning

The clouds that gather in my heart

Replace the sunshine there.....

Because I see we have grown apart..

Do you still care.
We were so very much in love...

At least I was with you.

I thought you felt the same as I....

And deep commitment too.
But now...you've changed....

There's something in your eyes

That seeks to find a perfect time...

To say those last good-byes.
I love you more than life itself..

And yet a love that grows in just one heart....

Is doomed to fade.....Like petals on a rose.
But if I have just memories of you...

They too will fade.
And sunshine will dissolve th clouds.....

That losing you have made.


She came from nowhere, Her ever presents,

A circle of life, no matter what, she was there,

Embalming me with burning desires and passions,

Flowing through my veins, as life itself,

Flowing without resistance.
I am asked "Why do you allow this, to be?"

My answer, "As for Love, This is the only way."
My mystic has come, and will be again.

I have seen her, felt her,a nd only need to embrace her once again,
While the vechicle of Love may leave...the passion of it....

Lingers forever.

By: Just a Guy ( A very good friend )

Forever Reaching

As the Sun rises, we rise, forever raching for the stars

Not knowing whether the brilliance will remain.

This too is as wer are, rising high,

Reaching for those great expectations,
Attempting to warm our own environment,

Letting it know, our purpose and passion is thus.

Forever reaching for the stars!
Lest like the Sun, our day moves forward,

Clouds move to and fro, covering that warmth, so dear. Lasting a lifetime,t he clouds remain, scarring the heart, the passion.

We chase the Sun, trying so desperately to recapture the luster,

The need to reach for the stars, but it is so elusive

But still wer stretch out our arms,
Hoping that final attempt wwill never come,

Neverthe less, it does...

Dashing the dreams and the warmth. Making the day cold as ice.

And we think the Sun will never rise again.

There it is.....rising with a new day. Warming and everlasting,

By: Just a Guy

Soaring with the ~Raven~

As the clouds soar, so does the Raven

Embracing life with a vigor, beyond life itself.

Reaching, searching, creating us the clouds,

For every moment is a new adventure.

Darting through the billowy structures.....

Her never ending lust, will prevail.

Written for ~Raven~

By Just a Guy

Last Notation from ~Raven~
The loneliest place in the universe.......
Is in the recessses....
Of one's own mind.

~Raven~ the author is a member of.........


of my friends....

~Rain Bear ~ Songs from the Spirit


Lost Soul

Created by Raven <webmaster@Ravens.zzn.com>

All rights reserved

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