(Last Updated 12/31/97)
IRCLE Script Files

With Revision 2.6, IRCLE has drawn approximately
even with mIRC as a chat program. This revision supplies the Mac user with the pop-up and remote
command abilities that have long been used on mIRC. This page contains an initial set of script
files to use with IRCLE (equivalent mIRC scripts can be found in the mIRC section). Each is supplied as a
complete set with all auxiliary files enclosed. For ease of modification, they have been compiled
as applications rather than as run only. All files have been compressed with Stuffit.
Where audio files are used (often - I like to use audio files), they are supplied in "wav"
(PC) rather than "snd" (Mac System 7) format. If you would rather use System 7 sound format,
I would suggest that you at least rename those files with the {.wav} extension. The Mac obtains
its file type information from inside the file and doesn't care about the file name (or extension).
PCs on the other hand rely on the extension to determine the file type. Therefore if your files are
all named with the wav extension, you and PCs users will have no problems implementing remote audio
commands with each other. (PCs will just consider you a funny looking PC.)