Here Are Some Optical Illusions for your viewing pleasure:
(scroll down)
Old Woman...Or Young Girl? (scroll down for hint)
hint: the old woman's nose is the young girl's nose and chin
Heres another for you!
Man Playing Horn... Or Woman Sillhouette? (Scroll down for hint)
hint: woman’s left eye is the black speck in front of horn handle
Here's yet another for your viewing pleasure!
Woman In Vanity... Or Skull?
(Again, scroll down for hint)
hint: move farther a bit from the screen and blink to see the skull or the woman (looking at the mirror)
Now for another that's a bit different!
Two Faces... Or One? (Scroll down for hint)
(hint: two faces side profile…or one face front view)
Yet another
A Rabbit.... Or A Duck?
(Scroll down again)
(hint: the duck is looking left, the rabbit is looking right)
One more for your pleasure
A Face Of A Native American... Or An Eskimo?
And the last one...
Is The Book Looking Towards You... Or Away From You?
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