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SmithDRay's Wagon Page
Every child should experience:
- An ongoing relationship with a caring adult – parent, mentor, tutor or coach;
- A safe place with structured activities during non-school hours;
- A healthy start;
- A marketable skill through effective education; and
- An opportunity to give back through community service.
For more information on America's Promise go to:
Sounds good, right? We can all agree with the above, however, what is reality?
The average age for the onset of clinical depression used to be age 32, it is now down to only age 14 ½!!!!!!!!!!!
We live in the most age-separated society ever. Think of what adults do when they approach young people, adults avert their eyes and don’t speak or acknowledge the kids. The non-verbal message received is one of rejection.
How many adults does it take to raise a child? In generations past, every child had several adults within the family exerting influence, now many children have NO significant adult influence in their lives. The needs have not changed, they are just not being met!
Raising healthy kids takes adult influence. Since that is not being provided, peer influence is taking over as the key influence, thus the increase in violence, sex and children born to children.
The news is about mayhem and problems with kids. Two-thirds of all news is negative. Positive language is needed. Kids need to hear supportive and encouraging commentary from adults.
How to spot a caring successful healthy kid? A recent study showed the following data:
The work of raising successful healthy kids is a work of a people. Towns and cities must be attentive to our young. Development of adult to child relationships is important. What must happen to cause this change? Shift the language to positive. Each adult should get to know at least six kids. Know the names of at least 12. TALK TO KIDS. Look them in the eyes, making eye contact and ask them relationship questions. Help them to learn about life from a healthy perspective.
All it takes is CARING. Focus on the positive. Raising successful kids is a cultural issue. We must change the way a community thinks about its youth AND we must change the way a community behaves toward its youth. Schools, churches, industry and corporations…all these institutions can help.
This is a call to change a culture by launching a great and sacred work. It is the beginning of a journey to change how people think and act toward young people. It is a long-term work and will likely not be completed before 2010. It is Transformational Work requiring building community, sustaining commitment and growing all aspects of relationships with our young people.
“We can choose to build kids or we can choose to build prisons” – Retired General Colin Powell of America’s Promise.
Spread the word!
Every child should experience:
- An ongoing relationship with a caring adult – parent, mentor, tutor or coach;
- A safe place with structured activities during non-school hours;
- A healthy start;
- A marketable skill through effective education; and
- An opportunity to give back through community service.
For more information on America's Promise go to: