Welcome to Smitten's Asylum... This Page deals alot with Musical Interests
, Programming Links, and FREEWARE D.F.A Products... Enjoy your vist and please come again!

I'm sick of painting in black and white, My pen is dry and now I'm uptight,
I'm sick of limiting myself to your definitions. -- incubus

Drew's Domain Guitarist for our band... Has a TIGHT page.. I suggest checking it out....
Cigars and Cars Guitarist Brother's HomePage =) Check it out.. some PHATTY cars on it...
Hank's HomePage Our bassist's homepage... Has a couple cool links on it...
cm2's HomePage CooKie MoNsTEr!! Cool Guy.. Gotz cool links and car stuff.. Proud new owner of an mr2 also, so he may be putting up pictures soon...
Electropage.... Guy who makes cool electronic shit.... Met him over a old skoolz BBS...

General Linkz Descriptions
Astigmatic One EYE. Some of the tightest free fonts you'll font on the web.. I definitely recommend checking this site out....
MP3 Search Engine A cool little mp3 search engine if your into that right now... enjoy!
MA_PLAY A FREE MP3 player for win32... none of that 20 sec trial bullshit.. you can play WHOLE SONGS! Try it out at least..
Korn Page An O.K. Korn page... but it supports the dreaded FRAMES...... *GASP*
KoRn oN THe KoB A LOT OF Korn Links.... if your really into korn check out this place......
Spawn's Korn Spawn's Korn.... tight graphically enhanced site.. phatty 'ol image map and a couple 'o linkz.
- KORN - Another tight grpahically enhanced Site.... Give it a look if youa korn freak.

Programming Links Descriptions
Valacar's Hompeage Cool Guy with a cool homepage... LOTZ of great links.....
NASM Free Assembler.... A free assembler for those of us who are money deficient... An ok assembler.. creates unix ".coff" files..
BORLAND PASCAL Borland's page on pascal and various products you can buy from them....
SWAG src arhive A whole website dedicated to pascal source code.. nice site... Includes a search engine...
FPK-PASCAL Compiler A free 32-bit (Protected Mode) Compiler for Pascal. Check it out.....
Ralph Brown's PAGE Page by Ralph Brown of "RAPLH BROWN's INTERRUPT LIST... Bunch of stuff he has done... most downloadable.....
SO7 A cool game a friend of mine is building with a team... Learn a little about it...
3D engines List A cool list of 3D-engines and source code you should check out if you wanna get into 3D.
Texture Mapping A cool litle page to introduce the concept of texture mapping.
VBE Tutorial A Vesa BIOS Extensions tutorial for those who wish to learn more about SVGA.
DJGPP Jerome St.Louis's refernces to a FREE Protected MODE Compiler for C..
Watcom C/C++ Watcom C/C++ Link... Take a look at this great compiler for Protected Mode... Main Page.
X-33rlv's page This guy's page I met on IRC... bunch of 3D coding stuff... take a look.



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