Once upon a time in a dream so

far away, I dreamed of a castle

in the sky.

A castle sitting on clouds

floating through the skys, and

the winds carried it far beyond

the eye could see.

As though it fell out of the


Then all of a sudden the castle

appeared in front of me.

It sat upon the ground, gleaming

in the sunlight. I looked upon its

greatness, and loveliness, with

windows all around, standing so still,

not even a sound.

It beckoned to me to come in

and as I entered, I saw many

rooms, with different colors,

a wonder for my eyes to behold.

I thought, could this be what

Jesus was speaking of?

(Jn 14:2.....In my Fathers house

are many mansions: if it were not

so, I would have told you. I go to

prepare a place for you.)

Just then I felt the earth tremble

and the Castle move.

I ran quickly out the door

and as I turned around to

look it was gone.

I awoke with a startled feeling

and recalling the dream, this

must of been heaven that I have

just seen.

written by ~~Angel Of Love~~