About everything, really!
So, I guess you'll be wanting to know what I'm on about, right?
Well, in case you haven't picked this much up so far, The Outsiders is a book (oh, really? great, i never knew.), and an excellent one at that. It was originally published in 1967, and has been re-published several time since, the most recent being last year - which is when I scored my own copy from amazon.com!

This is all very good and well, Flink, but what's your point?

(Yeah, I do in fact have one..). This awesome book was written by S.E. Hinton when she was very young. Her age when it was published is a debatable thing. I thought she was sixteen or seventeen, but in fact, I've heard and read in places that she was ages ranging between fourteen to eighteen. Anyone know for one hundred percent sureness? (what? making words up again..)

And this club is dedicated to those of us who are fans of the book. There are lots of fans out there, but we need a forum for us all to congregate. So, I decided to create The Outsiders Club, for all of us fans of the book. What can you do in this club? Well, submit fanfic, and have it relatively published on this site. Participate in a roleplay using characters from the book. Read anecdotes from fellow fans. Meet new fans, take quizzes, etc..

The club was originally started a year or so ago, but discarded earlier this year, at the start of the netball season, when I decided that I seriously wouldn't have the amount of time I wanted to dedicate to the club. I was right, btw. I had zero spare time, as people in my Speed Racer Roleplay can tell you. But now I will, and will get it done! Bwahaha!

So, heard/read all of this, and are thinking "She's psychotic"? Don't blame you. Are you, however, thinking, "I'd like to join, matey!" Great! Just point your mouse here and click away! Thanks..

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The characters used on this site are used without permission and are ©1967 S.E. Hinton, and her mind. Honestly, no infringement intended, I love them all.