Chanters repeat the mantra because, as mentioned, repetition engraves it in their consciousness (and their unconscious too.)
If you can say "I AM LOVE" one time, but say it with profound faith, intention, concentration -- whatever you want to call it -- that one utterance packs a mighty wallop. But most of us are not at a place in our "spiritual development" where we can summon up such profound faith at any given moment.
When we chant, with each repetition we are rooting ourselves deeper in faith and deeper in the spiritual tradition. Understand sound is creating the physical energy from within us. As we can see, sound affects us. We hear a certain song, that invokes pleasent memories, it makes us feel good. Some sounds will makes tap our feet, or bop our heads to the tune, to want to get up and dance. Some sounds also affects in being sad. There are certain sounds we all connect to. Our bodies also react to certain sounds. For some intense music can make us feel rigid and intense, while soft ambient music can relax the body. So, the energy of Sounds vibrates around us. Chanting is learning to create vibrations that are good and healthy.
The vibration we create when we chant, triggers vibration not only in the depths of our life, but in our surroundings. As we re-tune ourselves more and more to the vibrations of the Universal energy, we will resonate with the vibe that is around us and in our environment. The vibration of chanting awakens innate Spiritual qualities everywhere, it is a sort of chain reaction.
People have been chanting for centuries and there are lots of ways to explain it. While not everyone agrees on why it works, most chanters agree that it is a worthwhile devotional practice.
Chant with your heart open, and mind alert! Chant with gleeful Spirit. Feel the vibration throughout your body. Notice how it transforms your state of being.
The best way to understand it is to chant and see for yourself...............
Happy Chanting!!
This chant is great for raising physical energy and connecting with the universe energy .
Earth my body
(bending at the knee with palms facing the Earth)
Water my blood
(making a circular motion with hands at stomach level)
Air my breath
(In-hale Air as Hands reaching up)
And fire my spirit!
(passing hands above the head and stretch to touch the sky or stars if nitetyme)
Repeat over and over as energy builds. Once you feel the energy flowing thru you........sit or lay down and meditate. On a higher conscious, if needed, allow healing thoughts to be invoked, either for physically, mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually. see in your mynd's eye where you need to direct this energy. When done stand and face North, and upward with hands out and give the Creator thanks. Leave something of yours behynd, ie, tobacco, cornmeal, a piece of hair or a nail. This is returning energy of you back.