This many people have frooze thier ass off in South Park, since 9-15-97
I would like to thank a few people. 1. Christine Brunelle, Mi amiga.
2. Jess Portney, a cool troll. 3. Nikki Stannard, She is wierd, but I
had to count her. 4. JoAnne "Joey" Lamoureux, A Very annoying, but
funny person. 5. Mike Kalec, don't know him very well, but this site
would suck with out him. 6. .Amy Myers, At least you didn't ride that colon cowboy!
. . .
The Kenny McKormic Page
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South Park
Broslofski, Kyle- Called the smart one, he
appears to be the leader of the kids. He is
an A student, and he has a brother named Ike,
who he plays “Kick the Baby” with. He has
a pet elephant, and he had to fill in for Stan as
quarter back, while Stan was looking for his
dog. He is Jewish. He doesn’t know what that
means but Jesus loves him anywise. He always
screams "Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You
bastard!" whenever Kenny dies, but when he killed
Kenny he said "Oh my God! I killed Kenny!" Than
he looked at himself and said "You bastard!" Dressed
up as Chewbacca, the solar sysyem and a vampire for
Cartman, Eric- Called the fat one, Cartman
believes he is not fat, but only big boned. He
is ninety pounds, and loves Chocolate Chicken
pot pie, Donut pancake surprise, and
Cheesy puffs. He has had an anal probe by
aliens, which caused him to fart fire. He has
never gotten a higher grade than a D-, and
won a poetry contest by cheating. He has
a pet pig named Fluffy. While kids call
Cartman, all of the adults call him Eric.
His mom made him an Aldof Hitler costum
for Halloween, but the principle didn't like
it, so she made him a ghost, but instead it
looked like a Ku Klux Klan member's suit,
hood and all.
Marsh, Stan- Called the cute one, he is
madly in love with Wendy Testeburger,
but everytime she talks to him, he vomits.
He is the star quarter back for the South
Park Cows, andhas an older sister, named
Shelly, who always kicks his ass. He has
been cloned before, and he owns a gay
dog named Sparky. His uncle is Jimbo,
and he is the one that shot and killed
Scuzzlebutt. Stan is short for Stanley.
He almost killed his Grandpa, who
always call him Billy. He dressed up
as Raggidy Andy, so Wendy could be
Raggedy Ann, but wendy showed up
as Chewbaca, so Stan got humiliated,
and wished she was dead. He got
over it and vomited on her.
McKormic, Kenny- Called the lucky one,
he dies in ever episode. He’s been ran over by
a police car, shot by an rifle, pierced by
flagpole, decapitated in a football game, and
nuked in a microwave touched by Death,
crushed by the Mir Space station, chopped in
half by a chainsaw used by Kyle, crushed by a
statue of an angle, and had a plane crash on him.
His mouth is covered by his hood, so everything
he says is muffled, so it’s hard to understand what
he says. He is the perverted one. The kids ask
him about sex and all the activities and objects
included. He seems to be poor, and his dad seems
to be quite the drinker. He was the Zombie that
caused the trouble in South Park when the case
of "Pink eye" spreaded.
Not-So-Important characters
Big Gay Al- Owns “Big Gay Al’s Big
Animal Sanitary, which has “The Big Gay
Boat”. In case you haven’t realized,
is gay. He taught Stan that it was okay
to be gay.
Barbrady, Officer- Law enforcement for
South Park, he refuses to admit that
the unexplainable happens. He is
dense to all that happens. He has an
affair with Mayor McDaniels, that had nothing t
ot do with the Japanesse mob.
Broslofski, Carol- Kyle’s mom. Cartman
calls her a dirty Jew. She is over protective
and put a stop to Terrence and Philip
Broslofski, Ike- The little brother to Kyle.
He plays “Kick the Baby” with Kyle. He
was abducted by aliens. He can do a
David Caruso impersonation. Cartman
calls him adildo. He is shaped like a
Carl- A visitor, it was his bad, when the cows
were being turned inside out. He appologized.
Cartman, Ms.- The mother of Cartman,
she is the main reason he is fat. She feeds
him all fattening foods, and tends to his every
need. If Cartman’s kitty was a dildo, she
would sleep with him. She posed for "naughty"
pictures when she was young and needed the
money, but Stan said thoese pictures were taken
a month ago. She may have also been on the cover
of "Whores on Crack" magazine. She made a Hitler
costume for her son for Halloween.
Chef- The schools cafeteria worker, and
friend to the kids. He helps the boys by singing
70’s songs. He has slept with Kathy Gifford, and
sang a love song that mad Kyle’s Elephant, and
Cartman’s Pig have sex. Dressed up as evil kanevil
for Halloween, and when he was turned into a zombie,
he did a parady of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" which
basicly said, even though his flesh is cold, he's still hot
in bed. Scared when he saw Cartman's KKK costume.
Cows- The Visitors acknowledged them to be
the Earth’s most intelligent beings. The
Visitors were turning the cows inside out before.
Crabtree, Ms- The school bus driver. She is a real
bitch. She is also deaf or stupid, because whenever
Stan makes a comment behind her back, and she hears
it, he makes up a bad excuse, and she believes him.
She also actually believed that Kyle's Elephant was
really a special-ed student.
Death- Lord of the under world. He came to
get Kenny's soul. He like Terrence and Philip,
and he rides a tricycle.
Elephant- Kyle’s pet elephant. He told Ms. Crabtree
he was a special-ed student. Kyle said he craps turds
the size of couches. He made love to Cartman’s pig
while he was drunk.
Fluffy- Cartman’s pig. Slept with Kyle’s elephant,
while she was drunk, and Mr.
Garrison. It gave birth to Mr. Garrison’s child.
Garrison, Mr.- The teacher to the kids. He is
very odd person with a hand puppet as an
alter-ego. He once tried to kill Kathie Lee
Gifford, because she out did him in a talent
show, which he got second place. Slept
with Fluffy, Cartman’s pig. He says he pretends
to be gay to get chick, but believes that gay
people are evil. Dressed up as Marylin Monroe
on Halloween.
Gifford, Kathie Lee- Famous TV personality.
She came to South Park to give Cartman
his award for winning the poetry contest. She
beat Mr. Garrison in a talent contest while they
were kids, and she had sex with Chef. She came
to South Park in a bullet proof bubble.
Hat, Mr.- Mr. Garrisons alter-ego. He had the
idea of shooting Kathy Lee. He says all
the things that Mr. Garrison is afraid to say.
He is mean to the children and often tells
them to “Go to hell, you go to hell and you die!”
Dressed up as Chewbacca, like a lot of people,
for Halloween.
John, Elton- Famous singer, he sand with Chef
to sing "Love Gravy" to Fluffy and Elephant.
Marsh, Carol- Stan's mom. She fights for
what she believes in, even though there
may be bigger problems at home. She
thought Stan was on drugs.
Marsh, Grandpa- A death awaiting old man, he
tried non-stop to get Stan to kill him. He killed his
Grandfather, and met the ghost of him. He is 102,
and always calls Stan, Billy.
Marsh, Jimbo- The uncle to Stan. He owns a
gun shop, and love to hunt. He took the
kids on a hunting trip.
Marsh, Randy- Stan's father. He is a seismologist
and he had advanced warning when the volcano
erupted. He is addicted to coffee, and once
thought Stan was on drugs.
Marsh, Shelly- Stan’s older sister. She
his ass every day. She has a mouth piece,
so she gets pissed off easily. She took the
blame for Stan’s clones wild rampage, and right
after Stan was saying how much he loves her,
she kicked his ass.
McDaniels, Mayor-The Mayor of South Park.
She is very dramatic and graduated from
Princeton. She is not happy with her job as
mayor, and was a quick friend of the late
Scuzzlebutt. She was having a sex affair
with Officer Barbrady, next to a pial money,
but it had nothing to do with the Japanese mob.
McKormic, Mr.- Kenny's dad. He was the first
one to die by the sling, against Cartoon Central.
Pip- The little English boy. No one likes him.
Rivera, Geraldo- Hosted on his show "Big fat asses"
where Cartman became a star.
Scuzzlebutt- The monster who lives in the mountains.
He has celery for an arm, and
Patrick Duffy for a leg. He showed he was peaceful
l by saving the kids from the volcano,
but then Stan killed him.
Sparky- Stan’s dog. he is a homosexual, and loves pink
handkerchiefs and male dogs. It
was Big Gay Al that saved him from freezing
in the mountains, when Stan was mad at him
for being gay.
Testeberger, Wendy- The girl Stan loves.
She is very smart and knew Cartman had
cheated when he won the poetry contest.
Every time Stan pukes around her, she says,
“Ewww.”. She dressed up as Chewbacca for
Halloween, even though she was suppose to be
Raggedy Ann, while Stan was Raggedy Andy,
she was turned into a Zombie.
Westchire sause- The product that told Kyle how to get rid
of the Zombies, don't ask me how.
Favorite Quote from most resent episode "Pink Eye" is:
"I'm gonna make love, even when I'm dead, my
body might get cold, but it's always hot in my bed.
Make looove, don't you be afraid, just because
my heart ain't beatin' don't mean you won't get
laid." Chef's song after he is zombie
Favorite Quote from other episode are:
"You pompus son of a whore!" Grandpa to Stan
"I will kick you in the nut!" Cartman to Kyle
'An Elephant makes love to a Pig'
"Heh, he's doing something to his ass. He's
not kicking his ass, but he's definitely doing
something to his ass." Cartman to Stan about
his dog
'Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride'
"Yeh, they're almost as big as his mom's." Kyle
talking about Cartman
'Weight Gainer 4000'
"Noooo! Why God? Why?" Patrick Duffy after
Scuzzlebutt's death.
'The Volcano'
"Hey, that kind of looks like... Tom Selleck"
Cartman about the Crop Circles.
'Cartman gets an Anal Probe
Other Places on my site
To see my episode guide, go to:Episode Guide
To find out the ways Kenny has died
in South Park, go to: We will miss Kenny
This is the ways we would LIKE to see Kenny die! DEATH TO MCKORMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is to under stand what the HELL Kenny says You can understand
what he's saying?
To talk about Kenny or other stuff, go to
Kenny Chat
To hear Kenny and the other people go to: more words
Other buildings in South Park
South Park "Down Load": Lots of images and pictures. Help my web-site alot.
South Park-1: A good site, very nice pictures and sounds.
The Evil Cow South Park Page: Decent site, not all too much.
The Bus Stop: A south park page: Great site. i give credit of My Kenny Potty, Kenny tent, and Kenny cut in half animation to this man.
Cyns band: Not a real SouthPark site, but it's a personal favor. Please visit.
Losers, Freaks, Outcasts, Fields, Ect.:KICK ASS SITE! GO TO IT AND SIGN THE GUEST BOOK!
Sosana's CraftsIf you want excellent, homemade cratfs, go to Sosana's Crafts.