Disclaimer:      Let's   make   this   short   and   sweet.      If   you've   seen   the   charecter   before   then   it   belongs   to   Marvel.      I'm   not   making   any   money   off   it,   so   Marvel   don't   sue!

Trick or Treat?

It was a dark and stormy night. Every turn a ghost or goblin is at your heels. Trees blows in the wind as the shrill chant of "Trick or Treat" fills the night air. You hear that chant near every house, all except one.

"I wonder why no one is coming. I have Snickers, and M&Ms and everything else any little ghost or monster or devil or fairy would want!", the blue doctor pouted.

"Well bub, it could be that we're declared mutant terrorists, or that you have blue fur, or maybe it could be that no one turned off the security system outside."

The little Candian's words made the doctor's blue cheeks blush as he scurried to the computers to turn all the Shi're devices off.

"Maybe I'll be better at receiving candy than I am at giving it," he said as he put on his costume.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Jublition Lee walked to the edge of the stairs, calmly she breathed in and then screamed... "Where's my pink dye? How can I be like a punk rocker without pink hair? I know someone stole, so give it up!"


"Which one of you used my dye for your costumes? I want my dye and I want it now!", she said again.

A slow voice answered behind her,"Jubliee... I can see into the future and I can see into the past, and from what I can tell... you used all of it to torture those poor gerbils."

Wheeling around the half made up punk rocker said," Let me guess like a ..... fortune teller? That's the most creative thing I've ever saw."

"Do I sense a bit of sarcasm from you Jubliee? So my costume is a bit obvious," Jean admitted,"but not as obvious as some others."

"Name one!", Jubliee exclaimed as she turned.

"La la lalala la la la... la la lalalala la la la la la la!", the blue smurf skipped and sang as he passed the stair way.

"Do I really have to name him?"

"Okay, so your not the most obvious but nothing could top Beast dressing up like Popa Smurf!"

"Jubilee, you didn't see what Charles and Scott are going as, did you?"

"Come on Jean tell me, tell me, tell me!" The young teenager contuied stopping only to see Captain Picard and GI Joe quicky passing by. "Now Jubilee, don't laugh too much at them, most of this house made Charles go as that."

"What about your husband, Jean?"

"Well... I asked him to dress as that."

She tried and tried but finally it built up too much and she cracked up laughing, but then she heard another laughing beside her.

"For years I have been calling Scott 'Soldier Boy' but this, this is too much! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" The trio contuied to laugh until GI Joe, I mean, Scott Summers decided to speak.

He walked up to them and Jean took a step foward sensing what he would ask. She decided not to let him ask it, "Honey, it looks fine. Don't think about everyone laughing at you, they're just jealous that they don't have a nice costume........"

"Sugar, Ah heard you screaming, don't have any pink but Ah got some blue......... Scott? You look just like........ Gi Joe."

"That's what I'm supposed to be Rogue."

"GI Joe? Really?" Rogue began to giggle and then ran back to the room she had prevously emerged from.

Jubilee took the blue dye in her hands and went down the stairs to put it in. "I can't believe like how good Rogue's costume is. Where did she like get the Victioran dress? I didn't even think she had a dress! You could like hide a small animal in it. Guess she's a vampire victim, with the teeth marks and all, too bad like no one's going as a vampire," Jubilee thought as she finished dying the other half of her hair.

"Chere, wat do you want me to see?"

"Remy, trust me. Ah know you really want to see this with your own eyes." Rogue told him as she dragged him to the couch where Scott was now sitting.

"Mon Ami," Remy called over making Scott turn and face him then he could no longer help but laugh. "Cherie thanks for not telling me. Don' think I could have made it down de stairs......" his words were cut off by his laughter.

Scott got off the couch and walked over to the Cajun now spawled out on the floor laughing. "What's so funny, hmmmm? What are you supposed to be?" the enraged soldier asked. But he didn't get a response as Gambit just laughed harder. Hearing the compotion and assuming some super villian had attacked Joseph came zooming onto the scene. "Which of the normal supects have threatened the dream this time?" he asked as he hovered a few feet away from Summers. All the laughter had stopped as the light reflected off his crimson helmet.

A dreaded word came out of the Cajun's mouth as he stood up, a word that made the whole world shiver in fear, "MAGNETO!"

"No no no no. It's not what you think. I still have no memory of being the man that you say I am." the hovering figure said.

"Okay hommes, den why you in dat outfit? Goin' trick or treatin' in it?"

"Well yes. Halloween is a time when people are supposed to pretend that they're the must dreadful thing they can imagine and from what I has heard 'Magneto' is the most horrible thing ever concieved. It's only just that I dress up like him," Joseph responded.

All who heard the little speech laughed, except for one. "He just be a wolf in wolf clothin', and one day everyone will know dat." Gambit got up and fixed his cape.

A mental message was heard across the house,"Everyone who is going trick or treatin should go now, before it's too late and all the candy is gone." A thundering noise came from all directions heading straight to the door. Professor Charles Xavier started to question the intellence of telling everyone that it was time to go Trick or Treating. His hovercraft was thrown and spun many times before he heard the huge crash of all of his students, the mighty X-Men, going head first into the closed wooden door. As his students emerged from the floor Charles could only smile at what they decided to go as... Beast, Popa Smurf. Scott, GI Joe. Jean, a fortune teller. Jubilee, a punk rocker. Wolverine, the hunchback of Notre Dame; Charles reasoned that this was not his idea but Jubilee's, who forced him to see the movie twelve times. Iceman, Obi-Wan Kenobi.(Who himself watched the movie for forty-eight hours straight) Gambit, the classic vampire, suit, cape, fangs, red eyes, the works. Rogue, the classic vampire victim. Finally, Joseph, Magneto. "I will get the door for you." Xavier offered as he opened it. "But aren't you like going with us?"

"No Jubilee, someone has to stay here to give out the candy. Plus, someone has to be home since the other half of the team are all ready out."

"Oh okay. Let's go trick or treating now!" with that Jubilee was out the door like a bat out of hell and soon the others followed.

"Have fun," Charles called out to them, then to himself,"You will all have soon paid for putting me in this Picard costume."

Maybe three or four hours later, Popa Smurf of no longer singing, Obi-Wan was cursing the force, the fortune teller was cursing fate, the vampire and his victim were wishing they had two wooden stakes and the hunchback was cursing anything he saw. A number of babies went away crying.

"If she don' stop de running I'm going to stab her with a nice dull object," Gambit said as he tried to catch up to Jubilee half way up the block.

"Sugar, let me have the object... I can get it right into her skull." Rogue answered as she gave up running and pick up Remy and began to fly.

"Someone use the Force or something to stop her," cried Bobby.

Joseph stopped in front of a red house and said,"This house reminds me a lot of Avalon."

All the X-men came to a screeching halt and gathered around him.

"You can't mean that," Bobby shouted.

"Now that you mention it, you're right. What was I thinking?" Joseph's words calmed the mood then,"From this angle, it looks more like Astroid M. Thank you for correcting me."

"Joseph what other memories are you getting back?" Beast asked as he took a step away from him.

"A little of this, a tad of that, you know."

"No sugar, we don't know."

"Sure you do." Joseph answering Rogue's statement.

"Joseph tell us." Rogue commanded him.

"I'll tell you. I've received all my memories back and I formally request that you stop calling me Joseph. That is not my name. Call me either Erik or Magneto."

"I knew it! I knew you would come clean one of dese days, just didn' think it would be today." Gambit proclaimed as he picked up some stones from the ground and began to charge them.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....." then after a moment or so Wolverine joined in as Jubilee growled.

Before the X-Men jumped on top of Magneto and pulled his liver from out of his throat he asked,"Can we finish trick or treating now or are we done?" The X-Men were speechless.

"Mon Ami, why would you, Magneto, destroyer of nations, want to go trick or treatin' wid us? Aren' you goin' to try to capture us?" asked a confused Cajun.

"The phrase 'Trick or Treat' doesn't that mean you either play a trick on someone or give them a treat?" Magneto asked. All the X-Men nodded yes. "Then I have picked trick."

Jubilee now stood right in front of him and stared into his face, "Hold it bub, if you're like playing a trick on us then how did you like know all that infomation? I thought you like didn't remember anything."

"I don't," Joseph admitted,"Charles said something about you making him dress up like someone from 'Star Trek' and he needed a way to scare you all. He told me a little about my former-self, I think it worked, don't you?"

Once again all the X-Men nodded in agreement and decided to head home. You could hear in the night air some saying "he made her stop" or "at last I can eat all this candy" and one you could hear say, "Didn' give the Professor enough credit, maybe he help me wid April Fool's."

Back to the Crossroads:

This story has been read times since 18 Janurary 1998.