Thoughts on Ancient Irish
what was available
how I think they were used

what was available
An amazing array of bronze, gold, silver, iron, etc. fasteners, brooches, pins, button-like fasteners, and various other accessories have been found at some of the most ancient European and Irish sites. 
Typical motifs included stylized animals or plants of various sorts.  Occassionally a stylized human face or form might appear. Geometric or non-representational knotwork designs were also popular. 
how I think they were used
It's not completely clear how all thse were used, but there certianly were lots of options available for the fastening of cloth, hair or other materials about the person.
See "Putting it all Together" and the page on the brat for more clues on how the accessories and cloth interacted... 
I've found pennumbular brooches in various places--beware pseudo-pennumbulars, though! They won't help you much. Ren-Faires and Celtic, Irish or Highland festivals are good bets. As are some Pagan or Occult stores.
A man in one of the Mid-Atlantic states here in the U.S. is making reproductions of Celtic metal accessories found in Halstat and later graves. He uses the business name of "Crafty Celt" and various vendors at festivals might carry his stuff.  Sorry, no URL on him yet (I'm working on it!!).

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