Video Girl Ai 2nd: Memories (domestic)
I paid about $18
released ???
JNA Animation JNA-1512-2
(anyone have the original serial #??)

1.) Prologue: Answering Phone 1
2.) AI LOVE YOU- Techie Poo
3.) Scene 1: Long Phone Call 1
4.) Late Summer Falling- Arai (mistranslated as Nii on domestic) Akino
5.) Scene 2: Long Phone Call 2
6.) Puddle of Soul- Katsura Masakazu
7.) Scene 3: Long Phone Call 3
8.) Takashi's Dream II
9.) Scene 4: Long Phone Call 4
10.) Unseen Dream- Katsura Masakazu
11.) Scene 5: Long Phone Call 5
12.) Frozen Flower- Nav Katze
13.) Scene 6: Answering Phone II
14.) u-re-shi-na-mi-da (A happy tear)
15) Na-Gu-Sa-Me-Te-A-Ge-Ru (I will cheer you up)
16.) Your Rainbow- Sudo Mayumi
17.) Bonus Track: Ai & Moemi's Answering Machine Message

The one problem with this CD, and I'll say this straight out, is the dialogue tracks.  I remedied this by making a copy of the CD with only the music, so if you're going to buy the CD after reading this (and you should), consider doing that.  After all, unless you speak Japanese, the dialogue tracks won't mean anything.
Anyway, this CD is just so- wow!  It has a wide range of styles.  First there's "Ai Love You", which is a really fast, bouncy, genki song that has really cool lyrics.  It's a big contrast with the next vocal track, "Late Summer Falling" which is a very melencholy and forlorn ballad.  "Puddle of Soul" is neat because it is sung by the mangaka of VGAi, Katsura Masakazu.  I don't really like it all that much because it's too bouncy and upbeat, but it's still cool because of who's singing it.  "Takashi's Dream II" is a bass piece I didn't even burn onto my extra CD because frankly I don't like the bass.  "Unseen Dream" is sung by the mangaka again, and I like this lots because it's got this dance thing going on.  My English class liked it pretty well, I think.  The next vocal track, "Frozen Flower" is awesome, not just because of the lyrics and the scene it's from, but the general mood of the song set by the both the singer's voice and the instruments, is just overwhelming.  I really like the next track, "u-re-shi-na-mi-da" because I have this thing for music boxes.  I think it's because I have like, 20 million of them in the garage.  And finally there's "Your Rainbow", or "Kimi no Niji".  Words cannot describe the absolute coolness of this song.  No, really, they can't, without talking about my creative projects anyway.  This CD rules, go get it now! 

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