Cherokee Stories

These are a few Cherokee stories that I have found and copied to put here. I don't have very many, as you can see, but as I find more I will copy them and put them here for you to enjoy! I will also put a menu in this space as this page grows. Enjoy!

The Door Through The Sky

Once Seven young men decided to travel to the sun. Off they walked, but after many days and many adventures, when they reached the sunrise place at the end of the earth, they discovered that the sky was solid. They could not get through to visit the sun. As they stood there, wondering what to do, the sky vault lifted, making a doorway to the other side. Perhaps they could slip under to find the sun and see what her home was like.

Just then, the sun herself appeared in the doorway and began to climb the sky. She was very bright and cast off so much heat that the young men had to step back and cover their eyes. One of them decided to try to go through the doorway. He leaped forward as the sky closed with a crash, crushing him between the sky and the earth. The remaining six decided it was too risky to try their luck, and though they missed their friend, they turned back toward home. Somehow the return trip took longer than the trip to the sun, and they were old men when they finally made it home. They never did see the face of the sun.