Here are some cool links that I've found while exploring,I hope you enjoy them and find them useful..Please let me know if you find a dead link and I will remove it as soon as possible.And also thanks to Lindsay for the cool new background!

Woodstock 99': It's gonna be where I live so I had to put it on here.
Oh My Funny greeting Cards
Virtual Hugs&Kisses: Send a cyber hug or kiss!
Kinky Cards: Adult Greeting Cards
Mail-A-Meal Postcards: Send a cyber meal!!
Draacs Free Gifs 123: Learn about html if ya don't already know. Quick and easy web reference.
Sony Playstation Cheatcodes: Cheatcodes for all the Playstation games!!
Zygraphics: Make banners for your webpages.
Star Boulevard Tansload Service: Transloader For all you wrestling freaks!!(not me)
The Drawer: Lots of different stuff.. This is cute,and funny!Thanx Jeremy!
The Butt Guessing Game: A funny game..
Cosmopolitan Online: You should know what this is...
Welcome to ZooBar: Recipes for alcohol drinks!
WebTv 4 You Word Processor: A WebTv Word Processor!(COOL)
alt.discuss.html: A great news group where you can really learn alot!
JavaScript79 Scripts: Learn all about javascript.
Shamrock49: A really cool and interesting site.
Boy The Bear's Top 40 Age Gauge: Find out what songs came out while you were growing up!!
Kewl Games for WebTV: The name says it all...
MTV Online: I'm sure everyone knows what MTV is!
Position Puzzles: See if you can figure these out!!
Website Garage: Get your site rated and give it a tune up!
Bailey's Karate: Cool Karate Stuff
Bob's Chat Links: Lots of different IRC's Find anyone! I love the Disney Store!!
Pooh goes Apeshit!: An adult Pooh Story
Soft Myst's Chat Sites And Related Links : Alot of stuff!!
The Man Song: This is really funny!:-)
ImageMagick Tutorial: You can learn alot here.Very cool page!
Cut,Copy and Paste: Learn it if ya don't already know!
Diamond Boy's WebTV World : All kinds of WebTV stuff!!Very Cool!!
Party 2000!!: Self expalnatory..:-) Cool signatures for your e-mail or wherever!
WebTV games.: Lots of really cool games!
Welcome to Chat Zone: Chat stuff,cool IRC's.
Snitch316z Candy Ass Chat Links: LOTS of Irc's!!
alt.discuss.sirc: A very cool news group!!Check it out!!
The Pager+ Network: Webtv pager service
Celebrity Smackers: Can you guess whose smackers these are?!
Crazy Libs: Have alot of fun here!!
Homemaking: So much stuff I can't even describe it!
SIGTV™: All kinds of cool signatures..
Slot City: Gamble Online!
The Go F**k Yourself Homepage: This is pretty funny!
Webtv Toy Box: I love Toys!!
Bad§ F Key Saver: Learn alot here..

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