These are some of my friends homepages.You should really go check them out because they are really cool.If you have a homepage and would like me to add it to the list just send it to me and I'll put it up as soon as I get a chance...

Friend's Homepages

Spawn-15's Homepage
This is my friend Shawn,he's a cutie!
PrincessLinns Homepage
This is my friend Lindsay,she's really nice.
West Coast DJ
This is my friend Ceil,she's a good person.
Mandi's Quackin Homepage!
This is my friend Mandi,she's nice.
Gremlin333 HTML files
This is my friend Rob,he's a really nice guy.
Foxy's Lounge
This is my friend Foxy,she's pretty cool.
South Rome Beat
This is my big brother BJ's page.:-)It's pretty cool.
Bean's Homepage
This is

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