" I Found Pleasure in Her Words , and It Gave Me Peace."
Dr. T.F.A. ( requested annonymity )from Port - Said - Egypt , says:
I acknowledge the favour and support of Pope Hyrillos to me , I will tell the story of his great support to me during my Masters exam in general surgery . Pathology was the reason that many candidates failed the Masters degree exam . This was partly due to the length of the course , and partly to the serverity of the professors .
I had to go through the oral exam with a professor from Cairo University . She started by asking me a question in orthopedics . I tried to draw her attention to the fact that I was in general surgery . She Said " It doesn't matter , try to answer with what you know " . I tried my best to answer with what I knew about this topic , but her expressions and comments gave me the impression that she was not convinced . Finally , she asked me to sit side . I thought that she would continue my exam later on ; but when she was done with my colleagues , she asked us all to leave . Thus , my failure was quite apparent to me , even though I worked very hard in this subject . Remebering that my intercessor for this subject was POPE KYRILLOS THE SIXTH , I implored him to help me in the remaining exams . On the last day of exams , after telling my aunt , with whom I lived , that I wished I could just pass this subject since I did well in the other subjects , I took a trip to St. Mina's Monastery .
Once there , I asked His Grase Bishop Mina , the head of the Monastery , to pray for me . The same night that I went to the monastery , the blessed POPE KYRILLOS appeared to my aunt back home in a dream and asked her : " Why is he sad ? Didn't he ask just to pass !!?? Here , it is done for him ."
When I came back , my aunt told me about this . I found pleasure in her words , and it gave me PEACE . However , I still felt I would not pass .
When the results came out , I found that I passed Pathology with a grade of 60% . This is the minimum passable grade , and thus , with the grace of GOD , I succeeded through the prayers of POPE KYRILLOS . May his prayers be with us all.
" O father , the peace be with your virtuous soul , with Christ our Lord , deserving all the blessing honour with all the saints" .
" Added on Wednesday 08.07.1998" .