"He left His picture as a sign of recovery : "
Mrs. A.S.C. ( requested anonymity ) from Cairo , says :
Early in 1988 , my 9 year old son suffered from bronchial asthma . He had difficulty in breathing and often had acute attacks during the night . He saw several doctors but he had no improvement in his condition . However , most of them recommended repeating the prescribed treatment until puberty .
I turned to Pope Kyrillos and prayed in front of his picture , asking of his intercession and intercession of his beloved St. Mina . I was reading books about his miracles . One day , we went to St. Mina’s monastery and I took some oil from there . I began to apply this oil on my son’s chest every night while asking Pope Kyrillos to show me a sign of willingness to intercede for the cure of my son .
One day , when I came home , I found a new picture of Pope Kyrillos in my purse . It was different from all the others we had at home . I asked all my relatives if anyone had put it in my purse , but they all said no .
I became certain that this was the sign I had asked for . Since then , my son recovered completely . All medication was discounted . Since that day , I keep this picture in my purse .
Thanks to the LORD for His constant affection for us , and thanks to His saint , St. Mina and Pope Kyrillos .
" Added on Saturday 08.08.1998" .