Mrs. Olga Anis from St. George's Church , Sporting Alexandria - Egypt ,
was accused in a court case and was released on bail . She went to Pope Kyrillos VI who comforted her and assured her that God will save her . The proceeding took long . And before any court hearing , she used to go first to the Pope who kept on saying : " It will be adjourned ." But she begged him saying : " I'm tired , your Holiness say I will be proven innocent !" But he repeated that the case is being deferred . He even used to tell her what the witness would testify and what the prosecution would say .
The case continued for six years ! At one time , this lady was visiting the Pope , who was at St. Menas Monastery , Maryout ( a desert near Alexandria - Egypt ) and begged him with tears to pray for her . He said to her : " It's over………… your innocence has been proven ." The lady was full of joy and at the next hearing , she was declared innocent . She immediately sent a telegram to His Holiness telling Him about the happy news .