Pope Kyrillos VI's 1st Papal Message .
How we need to serve the spirit at a time when materialism , atheism and digressive ideas are prevailing the world .
How do people need to see Christ in our life , and sense this sweet smell in us ?
The Church has a crucial duty at this stage that the world has reached . The Church has to strengthen faith in all hearts , spread virtue and give peace and tranquillity to all the tired souls . By this , It will provide stability and increase happiness .
The message of the Lord Jesus Christ is to give a better life to people " I have came that they may have life , and that they may have it more abundantly . "
It is the immaculate , pure and quiet life that make the good productive citizen and the active member of the Church , who knows how to be always honest to GOD , his nation and the human society , dealing with all in a brotherly cooperative spirit .
" Pope Kyrillos VI The First Papal Message . 1959 " .