Camel Cigs vs. Wiccan Rights

Recent Camel ads use "To Stir a Magick Cauldron" by Silver RavenWolf.
Joe Camel Replaced by Witchy Women  by Tara Miller

 Three attractive women stick pins in a doll representing a handsome
young man in a nearby tattered photo.  In the background sits a stack
of books, one being "To Stir a Magick Cauldron".  They must be
witches up to their tricks using some unholy supernatural powers to
enact revenge on this man. No, this isn't the occultist teen flick
"The Craft". It is a Camel ad which has appeared in Glamour, Rolling
Stone, and Mirabella magazines.

   Silver RavenWolf, famous Wiccan author of To Stir a Magick
Cauldron a book about Wicca, the legally recognized religion of
witchcraft is upset because RJR Nabisco, makers of Camels, other
tobacco products, and snack food, didn't even ask her or her
publisher Llewellyn World Wide for permission.	The atrocity is the
use of her book in the ad which makes it obvious the girls are
practicing Wicca.  The ad promotes the idea  that Wicca is a practice
that uses supernatural powers for personal gain with no regard for
who is harmed. In reality, Wiccans revere nature and follow their law
"And ye harm none, do as ye wilst" which means everyone chooses their
own path so do what you want as long as you don't hurt yourself or
others. Wiccans must constantly fight the evil, hexing witch
stereotype and this ad isn't helping any. Apparently RJR Nabisco
hasn't read any of Silver RavenWolf's books which ends such religious

   Pagans across the country have started a campaign encouraging
Pagans and others who are against religious stereotypes to write the
magazines the ads appeared in, telling them of their displeasure, and
asking since these magazines allowed this advertiser to buy space,
could they find space for a legitimate article on Wicca?  They also
ask everyone who is concerned about
this to write RJR Nabisco.  Though, Wicca and Paganism is considered
a religious minority, they are a strong united force. Recent letter
campaigns resulted in advertisement for the upcoming CNN show "Dark
Religions" being pulled off the air because it suggested Wicca was
connected with Satanism, another misconception.
To rectify the situation Silver RavenWolf won't be casting any curses
on Joe Camel and company, instead  she will handle this like most
Neo-Pagans and anyone else for that matter would. She will probably

RJR Nabisco Chairman & CEO Steven F. Goldstone
1301 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, NY  10019
 (212) 258-5600 (212) 969-9173
 (800) 334-8157 (This is the only line that will handle complaints)

Tobacco Division-Makers/ Manufacturers of: Camel, Winston, Doral,
Salem,Sterling; Moonlight Tobacco Co, Eclipse

Nabisco Division: Oreos, SnackWells, Chips Ahoy!, Stella D'oro,
Newtons, Teddy Grahams, Premium Saltines, Ritz Crackers, Triscuit,
Wheat Thins, Barnum's Animals, Better Cheddars, Waverly, Life Savers,
Planters peanuts, Beech-Nut gum, Breath Savers, Bubble Yum, Care*Free
gum, A.1. steak sauce, Cream of Wheat, Grey Poupon mustard, Blue
Bonnet margarine,
Fleischmann's margarine, My-T-Fine pudding, Ortega, Vermont Maid
syrup, Milk-Bone dog biscuits.

RJR Nabisco 1997 Annual Report List of Company Officers:
RJR Nabisco Homepage:
Write to Glamour:
RollingStone Homepage:

Silver RavenWolf: and To Ride a Silver
Broomstick, To Stir a Magick Cauldron

For more information on Wicca and Paganism visit the Earth Spirit
website and follow links to basic informational pages at or use our main
index to read original essays on this religion 

Copyright 1998 Earth Spirit Newsletter

This Article was published in the August 1998 issue of the Earth
Newsletter based in Cape Girardeau, MO.    


So what's the big deal, some of you may be asking.  In fact,
according to American demographical data, the majority of people in
the United States think that Wicca is evil, involved with Satanism,
and Pagans are doomed to a certain hellish fate.  Even if you hold
that opinion, this advert should bother you.  For the reason why,
let's revamp the photo: 

5 Romans smoking Camels are cheering on a lion with a sandal hanging
out of his mouth on which a fish has been drawn.  

A congregation of men gathered around a screaming baby laugh and
smoke Camels while holding a bloody foreskin.

Guards smoke Camel cigarettes while a man with a wreath of thorns
hangs on a cross.  

If it's okey to mimic and spread inaccuracies about one religion's
symbols and beleifs, it's okey to do that to all of them.  Remember
that the Jews were a well established group in Germany before it was
decided to once again scape goat them.	If it can happen once, it'll
happen again.  We all need to be vigilant about this kind of
stereotyping, before we all get hurt.  

Even if you're not Pagan, I urge you to make your voice heard about
the matter of religious freedom.  

This letter was sent to me by the StoneCircle Pod- if you have the desire 
to join their newsletter, go  HERE