choose the sprite you like best. Every month or so, new sprites will
come. Please only take one per month, and please take an adoption
certificate. Please upload the sprite to your own server and provide
a link to StarBrite's Sky if you choose to put him or her on your
webpage. If you do not have one, or if a sprite does not fit in on
your page, they'll be perfectly happy to live on your computer, but
make sure he or she gets plenty of food and water!! All right, on to
the sprites!!
These sprites ARE NOT TRANSPARENT!!! If you want to put them on a
page with a dark or patterned background, please use the HTML code
provided at the end of the page. Thanks!
All images and text are ©1998 Jeni Essington. Please do not steal them without permission, or else even MORE sprites may be orphaned. Thanks! ^_-