Military, Paramilitary, Special Ops, Terrorism, Intelligence, News, Showgirls :) this is my homepage to share with friends and your average netizens all the sites i have found that are kool. Vacationing after a recent campaign in the rolling foothills of Centralia, I find myself niching out enuf leisure to update this wonderful site. Special greetings to all my comrades of the Centralia campaign. Best Wishes, Steve :)
A Taste!DPRK: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Dear Leader and Were Afraid to AskInformation Warfare: Lots of Cool Intel Stuff Indian Military Links: Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Africa Online: Korean Herald: Another Good Source on The Dear Dude Special Forces Links: Frugal Squirrel (Survivalist): ROK Ministry of Defense: Korean Central News Agency: North Korean News Agency (from Japan) Multimedia NK: Lots of info on NK Center for Army Lessons Learned: Lots of good info on military matters The Avenger's Front Page: Don't leave your home page without it! Hezbollah's Islamic Resistance Aid Committee: Arab News: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: Iraqi National Congress: Korean Broadcasting System: Politics in Korea: Out There News Explores South Korea: The End of Chaebol Chumminess Israeli-Compiled Terrorism Links: Kim-Spy: National Defense Journal -- Korea: Rongstad's Worldwide Hottest Military Links: Koreascope: A Great Reference for NK, in Hangul Mario's Cyberspace Station: Iraq: The Comprehensive and Up to Date Site on Iraq Crisis Unikorea: Great site for N/S Korean Documents etc The World's Most Wanted: Fugitives and Unsolved Crimes: BBC One World: Unionway Homepage: Read Korean on the Web/Buy and Write it too America's Most Wanted: Pinkerton's Intelligence Service: Good Quick Glance at World Happenings IntelHawk International Web Site: A great page updating military/geopolitical events, news DefenseLink: Military news, multimedia, etc Major Terrorists Groups (USIA): Patterns of Global Terrorism: Gary Tate's Military Reference Page: Good site for Military info/links Modern Militiaman Index: Fielding's Other People Other Voices Links: Links to non-Mainstream sites Out There News: The Palestinians:
More Soon. Be There. Aloha!
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