Partnering in the Nuer-Dinka Peace Process
24 November 1998
Phase I of Nuer-Dinka Peace Process: Nov. 1997-June 1998
Completed with Loki Accord--35 Participants in Loki, Kenya for 10 days
Total Cost: $36,350
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) $36,350 ______
Balance: $ 0
Phase II of Nuer-Dinka Peace Process: July 1998-March 1999
800 Participants plus 2-4000 community attendees in Bahr el Ghazal for 3-4 weeks
Phase II Project Proposal approx. $350,000 |
Financial Contributions (to date): |
CAFOD $ 4,500 |
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) $25,000 |
$15,000 for medical |
In-Kind NGO Pledges: |
CEAS Office supplies, aircraft seat space |
ICRC Well Drilling at Site |
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Consultant |
World Vision Food, Water Assistance |
Cooking Utensils, Local Transport |
In-Kind Local Pledges: |
Chiefs of Dinka and Nuer 200 Bulls |
Youth of Bahr el Ghazal Build 150-200 Toukels and Meeting Hall |
General services, food preparation, hospitality |
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Air Transport for High Profile Confidence Building Journey: Two Nuer chiefs, a women’s leader, youth leader, and a church leader need to be collected in Leer and Nyal in Western Upper Nile and flown to Thiet in Bahr el Ghazal. After a visit of several days up to a week, the team of five plus a new team of Dinka chiefs, women’s leader, youth leader and church leader need to be collected in Thiet and brought to Leer and Nyal. After a few days to a week, the Dinka team needs to be returned to Thiet. This trip was planned to be by foot. However, flooding in the area has prevented it. This is a critical immediate need that when met can help energize all of the local populations in both places as the possibility of peace is tasted. Immediate Need: First Week of December
Tools for Building 150-200 Toukels: About 300-350 youth are ready to build toukels and meeting places at the conference site. Tools for cutting and building are urgently needed now and for the next six weeks during the grass-cutting season. Used clothing and similar items are needed for incentives and some food delivery to assist the workers during this preparation work. Delivery to the site is necessary and urgent.
Outsourcing of Key Components of Material Supplies Needed: Any portion of the project proposal can be outsourced to an NGO to cover food items, non-food items, cooking utensils, tools, shelter materials, etc. The NGO would accept responsibility to purchase and deliver the goods to the site. NSCC and the Coordinating Committee can provide supporting data to the NGO as it raises funds to cover the cost or NSCC can be the recipient of the funds and sub-contract the NGO to provide the service. Any NGO that accepts outsourcing responsibilities will need to provide NSCC with proper reporting and documentation of its services. Commitments Needed ASAP
HF Radios on Loan: Communications in the field are vital, however it is not necessary to purchase radios if NGOs are willing to loan these to the peace process. Complete radio sets batteries and solar panels are needed for placement in Thiet in Bahr el Gahzal, Leer in Western Nile, and the Conference Site. Radios will be returned to the NGOs following the peace conference. Immediate Need: Delivery by Mid December
One Land Cruiser with Radio Monitor on Loan: This may be provided with or without a driver for use during the five weeks from 25 January through 28 February 1999 at the Conference Site.
Bicycles: To assist mobilizers in the field in both Western Upper Nile and Bahr el Ghazal.
Air Transport of Goods, Elderly Senior Chiefs, and External Facilitators and Staff: Food, fuel, conference supplies, etc will need transport at the time of the conference. A few elderly chiefs need to be collected from their home villages and transported to the site. International observers will be invited but required to pay their own transport cost on weekly-chartered flights to the site for one-week observation visits.
Medical Team: An initial commitment of $15,000 for the cost of medical supplies and drugs has been made. The medical doctor in the Tonj area will serve as a Conference Doctor. An NGO that can provide a clinic for the month of February would contribute greatly. Many participants from famine areas, recent insecurity and displacement, and weakened conditions will need medical assistance during the conference. To receive such help while seeking a peace is a way to taste of the fruit of peacemaking.
Other: The complexity of this process will require continuing changes and reveal emerging needs. Many organizations sharing in this effort will greatly strengthen this effort to bring about a peace initiated from the grass-roots and middle levels and pressing all the way to the top. If you recognize a need that is not included in the project proposal, please point it out and share how you can help meet the need.
Financial Contributions should be sent to the bank account for NSCC:
Nyerere Road
P.O. Box 30262
ACCOUNT NO: (Foreign Currency Account)
ACCOUNT NAME: New Sudan Council of Churches
Please advise NSCC that the funds are designated for the Nuer-Dinka Peace Process.
Email: NSCC-NBO@MAF.Org Fax: 254-2-447015