Tongue Twisters...
Um... stupid tongue twisters ( copied from a book ~_~||| )
Anyways... Hope you will enjoy.
The Pope poked a poker at the piper.
So the piper poked some pepper at the Pope.
Three grey green greedy geese,
Feeding on a weedy piece.
The piece was weedy,
And the geese were greedy,
Three grey green greedy geese.
A tree toad loved a she-toad
That lived up in a tree.
She was a three-toed tree toad,
But a two-toed toad was he.
The busy bee buzzed busily
around the busy beehive.
A sick sparrow sang six sad Spring
songs sitting sheltering under a squat shrub.
I see seven seagulls soaring
southwards silently.
Swan, swim over the sea.
Swim. swan, swim!
Swan, swim back again!
Well swum, swan.
Cows graze in droves on grass
which grows in grooves on groves.
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